
Truths That Must Be Known

Truths That Must Be Known

Truths That Must Be Known

Ennio Dinucci….

One of the most important duties of an authentic Esoteric School is to keep its students continuously informed about everything having to do with higher teachings, particularly when such teachings refer to the Rosicrucian Fellowship and its illustrious messenger, Mr. Max Heindel.

No matter how amazing it may seem , directors of spiritualist organizations - apart of some rare exceptions - are not able to keep the faith focused on the principles of the organizations they direct. Instead of trying to achieve an appropriate understanding of such principles, in order to tower over at the height of the truths they represent, they think easier to lower them down to their own understanding level, mixing them with their own opinions and to those of writers whom they have some affinity with, thus resulting a serious confusion, which causes prejudices to the virtuality of the teachings.

One of the most serious challenges people responsible for a School must go through is that dealing with presentation and continuity of their teachings in the Material World. Even though the teachings are prepared by the Elder Brothers in the spiritual plans, taking into account the spiritual needs of the mankind, they are disclosed to the world and widespread as seeds, in both oral and written forms, thus almost always giving rise to a series of intellectual misinterpretations, when presented by disqualified people, and as such, people incapable of getting into their highest meaning.

It's an unarguable reality that through the ages, vanity and intellectual proud, particularly in the occultism field, have caused the most serious disagreements. For that reason, it is not easy to preserve the original integrity and purity of the teachings, without maculating them with personal, vain and personalistic points of view.

In most of the cases, with honorable exceptions, when the Word (Instructor) that guides a School along its line leaves the visible scenery by the time he passes away to the spiritual worlds, the School decays, and unavoidably goes towards decadence and extinction.

In a number of biblical passages (specially Jeremy book) symbolic references to the misinterpretation and disappearance of a given School (cistern) are made, when it is said that their waters (truth or teaching method) have dried up or become bitter!

In the absence of an authorized and duly prepared successor, the School loses its direction and someone poorly qualified takes over the place and a seat that does not belong to him/her.

In these cases, the physical expression of the School is kept, and its directors may even claim loudly to be the inheritors of its founder. They may even publish his works, as they inherited his copyrights, deeming themselves as the only authorized parties to talk in his name. However, the spirit of the School is gone, and in its place, a little church emerges, where chimeras, fantasies and spiritualist and esoteric dreams usurp the place of a serious study of logics and reason!

Do not think, however, that to give continuance to a School one requires their continuers to be perfect, or the Initiation in the spiritual Worlds! No, it is not asked that much! However, it is essential to have a certain animic maturity and consolidate experience supported on Faith and Reason. It is required a higher view, apart of intellectual fantasies, vanity and their own interests; an acknowledged and proven Will that nothing is able to stop or deceive!

It is crucial to have a high level of Consciousness, as without it no Love for the fellow being, sincerity, faithfulness to a higher teaching, honesty, dignity, humbleness, responsibility and other attributes would exist! Of course, giving continuance to a School does not mean to meet personal whims, making such activity to turn into some pastime for leisure times.

Mr. Max Heindel states that the Clairvoyance faculty has degrees, and the first is related to the way things are considered and seen here, in the Physical World. It is necessary to have the eyes open wide to avoid being deceived by superficial and misleading appearances! The word clairvoyance means to see clearly, and we don't think possible to manage safely a School, when one can't see exactly the objective proposed by such School, and above all, when one is not able to notice the dividing line separating and distinguishing the School from a church.

The Gospel is very clear when saying: "Leave them; If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit ". Considering such principles that seem to be quite logical, the simple conclusion that can be taken is that it would not be possible to guide the others, when one does not know exactly where he/she is heading to, i.e. coveying esoteric teachings approved by the evolutionary plan mixed with ideas of fake masters (men or women) who have nothing to offer but their own immoderate pretensions, fantasies and vanities! Would it be possible to run safely a School, going far away from the primary principles implemented by its Founder? No, we don't think so!

However, it was what happened through the ages, and the "Rosicrucian Fellowship founded by Mr. Max Heindel in the United States, has not escaped its unhappy fate. Such happening has been foreseen by him a long time before he passed away to the Internal Worlds, and such a prediction has been recorded in one of his lessons, later inserted into the work "Teachings of an Initiate". His prophecy has fully come true, and power usurpation by disqualified people was the major cause of the fellowship defeat. Usurping power means: to take over the place to which an individual is not up to, and to which he is elevated to meet personal caprices of a group!

Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo (FRSP) has never agreed with such new guidelines, which became effective in the Rosicrucian Fellowship, after the decease of its venerable founder.

By 1957, its founder and instructor Prof. Lourival Camargo Pereira, wrote an article published on the "Rosicrucian Bulletin" explaining the students and interested people the reasons why the Fellowship has not become a member to the U.S. Head Office in Oceanside. He says: Max Heindel passed away in 1919, and since then the Rosicrucian Fellowship he founded in 1912 has gone through many vicissitudes and changes as a consequence of fights and disputes of every kind. No confusion should be made between the Philosophy brought up by Max Heindel, and the guidelines and opinions, which later on were adopted by the continuers of his work at the U.S. Fellowship. As always happens in this world, as time goes by, the continuers of a superior work lose the sight of and forget the spirit which began such work, and look for the letter and material assets only.

For over 20 years, an inglorious fight between two directing groups has been fought in an intransigent and incomprehensible way in the U.S. Fellowship Head Office, and the issue has been taken to the courts, reaching up to the Supreme Court of the United States. Nearly 100,000 U.S. dollars is calculated as the amount spent with such case. Each of these groups intended to get the exclusive direction of the Fellowship, excluding the other. One of such groups, the most powerful, because it dominated revenues and finances of the Fellowship, prevailed and ended by taking over the whole management. For many years that most powerful group, which called itself the "Ecclesiastic Board of Directors", has been turning the Fellowship into an openly sacerdotal organization, and the U.S. Fellowship changed its name to "The Rosicrucian Fellowship - Non-sectarian Church". A booklet including rituals, such as baptism, wedding, dominical rite, funeral services, etc. has been officially published, and such rituals have been accepted and are being placed into operation not only by the Head Office, but also a number of affiliated centers located in other countries, as we could also see here in Brazil, in a center in Rio de Janeiro, which by the way was trying to make a wide advertising all around".

Many years went by, and the "Ecclesiastic Board of Directors" decided to change its name into "Esoteric Council", maybe because they were hardly criticized by all serious and honest student, which were obligated to leave the organization, and were unable to fight against the negative, sentimentalist and feminine stream which had usurped the control of the organization.

However, the name change from "Ecclesiastic Board of Directors" into "Esoteric Council", just changed the label, as its aquatic and negative mindset remains the same. To prove the Ecclesiastic Mindset is still alive and directs the organization, they introduced Mrs. Corinne Heline's clerical fantasies into the esoteric guidelines left by Mr. Max Heindel, based upon the pretext she was one of the first disciples of Mr. Max Heindel, even though he has never made any mention to her in any of his lessons, or ever granted her any authority, whether oral or written, in the instruction field.

The introduction of the planet (???) Pluto into the traditional astrology is also due to her, an introduction accepted with no criteria by most of the astrologists worldwide. Fortunately, such astrologic farce is about to be eliminated, as serious investigations are leading the astronomy to the conclusion that Pluto has never been a planet, but only a piece of rock and ice turning in the space.

On the other hand, it is not convenient to have any illusions because as said in an old saying: "one who tells a lie will have to repeat it one hundred times to support it." Therefore, Pluto's admirers will keep on forging the strangest fantasies to support their absurd points of view.

Mrs. Corinne Heline (already deceased) is considered today by Oceanside coryphaeus a true oracle, one of the precursors of the "New Age", and the great preacher of the Age of Aquarius. However, her writings do not acknowledge such authority!

We believe that such "big master", so admired by the current directors of the Oceanside Organization is, to a large extent, the responsible for the introduction of ecclesiastic methods of the "Sons of Water" into "Mt. Ecclesia", which have been passively and enthusiastically accepted by both old and current directors of the extinct School.

Everything points to the fact that not even Mrs. Augusta Foss Heindel, the fellowship founder's wife, and also responsible for the School defeat - as she was its director for many years - has been able to control the philosophical utopias of that lady.

Her trend towards ecclesiastic methods is undisguisable! Her writings clearly reflect a fanatic admiration and devotion for the Virgin Mary, very typical to the church and the Roman hierarchy, where she was certainly educated. Her exalted feminine ideal has never resigned itself to see Mary occupy a place of less highlight in the evangelic drama. As she saw things, Mary had to receive a honor similar to that Jesus was worth to, or maybe greater! At last, doesn't the church say she is God's mother, and the intercessor between Him and the mankind? Her teachings are the biggest proof of our statements!

Instead of freeding herself from fake religious ideas, prejudices and conditionings imposed by decaying and arrogant clergymen, that lady has attempted to fit them to the Rosicrucian teachings, mixing them with her absurd and fantastic ideas, which have nothing to do with the sublime teachings contained in the Gospel, or those provided by the Rosicrucian Order, and the traditional Occultism of all the times. Her teachings, instead of clearing, bring confusion to new and good faith students.

Once again the evangelic law is confirmed when we find out that tares are always mixed with the wheat, in other words, lie always tries to find a way to filter in the truth. It is necessary to have eyes to see it, and not take one for the other! The purpose of this article is to call the attention of scholarly persons so they can see and convince themselves about this sad reality!

One questions oneself: Was that what Mr. Max Heindel taught? Would he have any trend towards ecclesiastic and sacerdotal methods? Would the School he founded conceal a little disguised and negative church? The answer is obvious: of course not! He was and is a "Son of Fire", and the easiest way to prove our statements is to read his monumental work "Freemasonry and Catholicism" to notice clearly that his methods are substantially different from those taken by the Oceanside organization, and its satellites around the world.

Particularly with that work, the author lets us know frankly his position when facing two streams dividing the humanity: The Fire Stream (esoterism) and the Water Stream (theology), taking a position in the line opposite to Catholicism.

One may possibly ask: "Why doesn't FRSP stop criticizing "The Rosicrucian Fellowship", and its affiliated centers, and take care of its own interests only? "Mr. Max Heindel, many will say, advised us not to attack anybody, to be tolerant with all other movements."

We fully agree with that and respectfully bend ourselves in face of the Master's warning, just regretting our incapacity to meet his request. However, he has also taught us, through the spirit of his lessons, to defend truth and not to agree with the negativity, lie and pretension of whoever it may be. And, if the Oceanside organization is so faithful to the standards set forth by the Venerable Instructor, why hasn't it been kept loyal to the principles he set, but instead, turned the School into a branch of the "Sons of Water"?

He believed loyalty to be a higher principle, as the main virtue and characteristic of every serious and sincere student. He did not teach us to be omissive! We don't believe, therefore, he is angry with us because we are defending the teachings of the Rosicrucian Order provided by him. We even believe he may be happy seeing that we are taking a position against the fatal and adulterous trend of certain little groups, responsible for the transformation of his Esoteric School into a disguised little church!

It is also convenient to say that the Rosicrucian Philosophy is nobody's private asset, not even the Oceanside organization. The Elder Brothers of the Rosicrucian Order are not subordinated to that organization, and to any little, selfish, mundane caprice. They act through all the honest and sincere organizations, which keep loyal to their teachings.

For this reason, we talk and write so the truth may become known and also as a matter of principle and loyalty to the Rosicrucian Order and the Venerable Messenger! His teachings belong to the mankind, and not to a group or caste of privileged people having clearly defined inclinations towards matriarchy and clericalism.

We want to make it quite clear that we don't have anything to do with other organizations - particularly those which bypassed the original line - and we are not interested in knowing what they may think about us. We do not even expect they will read our articles, as we don't write such articles for them! A long term experience has shown us that when a School degenerates and turns into a little church, it will never be a School again.

Therefore, we have no misgivings when saying the truth, whomever it may hurt, even because we think that shutting up is to become connivent and we are not! We do make a point being different from that negative Rosicrucianism, drenched and adulterated by ideas of the opposite ideal (water)!

Our intent is not to attack anybody in particular, even because we are quite aware of our own weaknesses, and defects to attack anybody else. However, we think it is a moral and spiritual duty to clarify new and inexperienced students as to deceiving ideas which have been inserted into Rosicrucian teachings.

Fazem 78 anos que o Sr. Max Heindel partiu para os mundos espirituais, e os estudantes que não tiveram o privilégio de receber uma orientação superior, podem vir a pensar, que o que se apresenta em certas lições mensais de filosofia, enviadas aos estudantes pela Sede Mundial de Oceanside, e por alguns folhetos publicados pelos centros filiados a esta, estejam em sintonia com os ensinos apresentados por ele. (Ver outro “link” – How one adulterates a teaching).

We will include herein below a few statements made by Mrs. Corinne Heline in one of her works, which we submit to the appraisal of our students and all sincere people able to have a logic and good sense-based reasoning.

The legitimate students must know such fantastic ideas, which according to the directors of the Oceanside organization have an unarguable authority because their authorship belongs to one of the first Mr. Max Heindel's disciples (?). Her teachings are part to the organization program, and are transcribed with admiration by the Centers of Studies affiliated to it.

We transcribe here a few sections of those lessons, which are part to the work "In the Supreme Initiations of Blessed Virgin". New Age Press, Oceanside, 1959, Trad. L.A.M. Autor: Corinne Heline.

Such lessons were published by the Rosicrucian Fellowship of Portugal in its quarterly Bulletin of October/November/December, 1995, and January/February/March, 1996, called "ROSACRUZ".

The magazine "Sentiero Rosacrociano, Revista trimestrale del Centro Italiano, A.R.C.O", also issues frequently lessons of that author showing a great admiration for her! Both entities are affiliated to the Worldwide Head Office in Oceanside, "The Rosicrucian Fellowship".

"The Assumption Rite was Virgin Mary's supreme spiritual experience. After having learned the lessons this physical plan could teach her, she changed earth for heaven, and her living next to the mankind for a home she shares with the angels."

"We can make a relation between the Annunciation Rite and the Initiation by the earth. Completion of such rite provides the physical matter mastery. The home of such angels who work on earth is located in the ethereal reigns, so the Virgin could never have ascended to that sphere in her physical body; but, as she had achieved the mastery of the physical matter, she made her dense body turn back to the original elements, and she left in an ethereal vehicle to live with the angels" ...

"Even though Blessed Virgin lives now in heaven with the angels, she spends a lot of her time on earth working with the humanity. Many have already experienced a vision of her appearance (and of her guardian angel) at hospitals, particularly in maternity hospitals, and where there are children in suffering; and some who did not see her had the consciousness to receive the consolation provided by her blessings. Mary prefers working where clouds are heavier and shadows are sharpest. While she lived on earth she chose to follow the suffering way; now she dedicates to helping those following the same way. She is present wherever movements for the woman emancipation and elevation may be (?), by encouraging and inspiring everyone dedicated to such humanitarian work"...

"It is so many times asked if there are masculine angels, as they are normally represented in the feminine (???). Well, they are neither masculine nor feminine, as they show the masculine power and courage, along with the feminine love and tenderness. Therefore, they are the ideal ministers for a mankind which has not developed the dual force in itself"...

"It is a rare view to see that group of angels in action or having fun (???). Their ethereal bodies are luminous and have an intense bright; they float in the air with the graciousness of the butterflies in the gardens when the sun goes down"...

"However, a group of angels moving around to build a color symphony is frequent. Their resplendent ethereal bodies reflect the harmony color with the movement activity. A dark and miasmatic cloud consisting of negative thoughts and emotions generated by men is formed over the big cities. A multitude of angels then starts their task of dissipating as much as possible such malign forces. As the sun rises, they bright happily in the horizon, like light ships ascending even higher until they can no longer be seen"...

"Some angels have as their mission to inspire artists, poets, musicians and other creative works. Such beings usually wear refined blue color. Others work with students, philosophers and all other people dedicated to deep and serious investigations. In this case, they show a bright golden color, typical to Christ's resplendence. Broken homes and people away from their families are sometimes miraculously gathered together, thanks to the angelical intervention. Angels in charge of such work wear delicate pink color, the love radiation color"...

"There are angels who cooperate with aspirants following the conducive light way, ultimately the way leading to celestial spheres. They wear white resplendent orchid colors, as these are the colors of deity. It is Neptune radiation through which many of the wonderful secrets of the New Age will be disclosed to man"...

"It is perfectly logical that Blessed Virgin lives among such celestial beings, with which she is in perfect syntony. Angels have no desire body (???) , but are covered with a pure light mantle"...

"Here and again divine Mary shines as a perfect standard, as she made her own full internal transformation. This was essential before she went through the sublime mystery of the Immaculate Conception. This is the reason why, in the Assumption Rite, hosts of celestial beings extending up to God's throne itself, joined the angels and archangels in a triumphal chore while Mary was crowned by Christ himself. Sheila Faye-Smith writes: "Human race flourishes in Mary. Cultivated in the garden of the mankind universal dream, watered by the law of the elected race the Rose of Sharon opens its corolla to be fertilized by God. Mary is the only perfect flower born in the sad beginnings of the human species. The soil was rich and many were the gardeners, but only one flower blossomed to the sun in all its perfection".

"For this reason Blessed Virgin is, for all the humanity, the School of hope and the perfect example of the spiritual victory. She is the light Bride in this vale of tears and in the celestial reigns".

We think it is not necessary to make any comment about such inconsistent statements, because they are the expressions of the most exalted and uncontrolled fantasy, dreaming and sentimentalist reflections of the hierarchy of the "Sons of Water", sneakingly infiltrated in the higher teachings of the "Sons of Fire".

To what conclusions do we get when reading these philosophical divagations? That the Elder Brothers of the Rosicrucian Order, and the other Schools, as well as their Invisible Aids are no longer necessary, because their places have already been taken over by the angels and the Virgin Mary. Moreover, the big Christian ideal promulgated by the Rosicrucian Order was replaced by the Marian, feminine and negative ideal, defended by the passive, infantile and maternal method presented by the church.

The alleged continuers of Mr. Max Heindel's work extol Mrs. Corinne Heline's writings, because she was (they say) one of his first disciples. Of course, what they intended with such introduction was to vest her with an authority and prestige her writings do not indeed confirm.

According to our criteria, the philosophical prestige of the disciple is somewhat scratched when her lessons are compared to those of the Master (Max Heindel) who, according to them, would have instructed her.

Oceanside directors should make no mistake thinking nobody studies anything seriously, and that everyone is nothing but naive and simple-minded people to the point of accepting their philosophical dreams! We believe it is convenient to tell them that there are many sincere students loyal to Mr. Max Heindel, and as such students are awake, they will not allow any involved by the spiritualist fantasies of the head office directors.

Hiran Abif's legend will be forgotten by the true occultists. Its higher meaning remains as much alive nowadays as it was in the remote past. The true Sons of Fire, we say it again, will not be deceived!

Still an important point to be noticed. In his Astrology teachings, Mr. Max Heindel never gave any explanation regarding the influences of planet Pluto, maybe because its influence was too vague and undetermined, if there is any (until today nobody knows for sure if Pluto is a planet, a moon or a less important asteroid).

The fact is that Pluto was discovered in 1930, therefore, after Mr. Max Heindel passed away to the spiritual worlds, but this does not mean he would not have any knowledge about it. Because the conditions existing today are different from those available in the past, assuming Mr. Max Heindel had no means to ascertain Pluto's existence is a true childishness!

It should be recalled that the big Instructor is alive, he was and is an Initiate and disciple of a Elder Brother of the Rosicrucian Order, therefore he is quite capable of carrying out a deep investigation, and any comment about it.

If he didn't it was because he did not feel it convenient or necessary, or because he did not find there (Pluto) any meaning or influence worth of a note. For this reason, we cannot find in his works: "The Message of the Stars" and "Simplified Scientific Astrology" any mention to this alleged star.

However, the Oceanside scribes, like modern astrologers, particularly those affiliated to the "New Age", and so they could not be considered old-fashioned, thought it better to make a description and interpretation of that planet, following the guidance of Mrs. Corinne Heline, ardent defender of Pluto.

We ask: Who has granted them the authority to make such interpretation concerning a nearly unknown star, and which is located in the borders of our solar system, supposing it belongs to it? Certainly it was not Mr. Max Heindel, and much less the Rosicrucian Order.

Maybe they were academic, psychiatric and psychological studies (drenched in utility astrology) made by the current directors (men and women) of Oceanside. What criteria were used to write that interpretation, which besides being absurd, is presented in the work "The Message from the Stars" whose authors are Mr. Max Heindel, and Mrs. Augusta, his wife?

This heap of foolishness leads new and misinformed students to assume such interpretation has been written by the authors of the works themselves. We beg new students to check the old English and Spanish issues, among others, to ascertain our denouncement. Such interpretation does not exist in the originals, as it was added later to the new issues by the former school director.

If they had printed a separate leaflet containing such interpretation, we could even understand, at last, the Rosicrucian teachings are currently blended with opinions of their own and preconceived opinions, but including it into a work whose authorship belongs to an Initiate is not fair or honest, it is a crime.

Maybe the current organization directors deem themselves as the sole and legitimate inheritors of the philosophical asset left by the illustrious Instructor, with the right to add everything they wish to the teachings he left.

FRSP tries to be informed about everything happening in the spiritualism field, and particularly in the Rosicrucianism field. As a matter of loyalty to the higher teachings, its direction feels entitled to denounce every and any idea or pretension, which is not in agreement with the legitimate Rosicrucian method shown in the "Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception", and other works of the author.

It is a philosophical attack adding to Mr. Max Heindel's or any other author's teachings, anybody else's particular ideas. Nobody was or is authorized to do this work. What is truly necessary is to study and understand them properly, as they have been originally written.

We call the attention of all serious and free students, those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, to study impartially the works left by Mr. Max Heindel, and confirm by themselves the veracity of our statements.

We see this attitude taken by The Rosicrucian Fellowship as a lack of respect and ethics beyond question! A demonstration of lack of consciousness and consideration with the noble Instructor.

With that attitude the little Oceanside church gives the biggest littleness and irresponsibility evidence, adding to the teachings of an Instructor as important as Mr. Max Heindel, chimeras and spiritualist opinions formulated by a group which calls itself an esoteric group, but dominated by vanity and pretension; a group incapable of seeing the spirit shining between the lines of his lessons, and for this very same reason, hindered to keep the School within the lines of the legitimate Rosicrucianism!

Finally, we include below Mr. Max Heindel's prophecy, introduced in its work "Teachings of an Initiate", proving its founder had already predicted the decay of the institution he had founded.

"So far we could not help the rigid and firm organization conditions at the Headquarters, but the association with no restrictions should remain free so one can achieve a higher spiritual growth and longer life. However, it is sad to consider that, although these are our intentions, a day will come when the Rosicrucian Fellowship (in Oceanside) will have the same destiny as all other movements: It will be tied up by rules, and power usurpation will cause the fellowship to get crystallized and disintegrated. But it is some kind of consolation to know that from its remains something bigger and better will emerge, like the fellowship emerged from other structures which had their utility, and are now about to be dissolved".

That roses flourish on your cross


About Pluto

About Pluto

Clarifications about Pluto and the work “The Message of the Stars” written by Mr. Max Heindel

Ennio Dinucci….

The value of an individual, of a teaching, or of an institution grounds in the ideas’ quality it sustains.

Reason, logic and discernment should be the foundation of any subject; however, this hardly happens. The majority of people do not use the pure reasoning in their thoughts; hence, they are usually blended with emotions and intellectual desires, resulting that their conclusions, with rare exceptions, are fruit of shallow outward appearances and pre-established opinions.

When a new principle is presented to the world, it is accepted, according to the tendency, by a great amount of people with not further questioning. This fact is very common, especially when applying to abstract subjects such as occultism, astrology, religion, etc. People are driven to love their ideas, mostly when awakes their own emotions, with whom they identify themselves completely. When dominated by this state of mind, it becomes hardly difficult to put those ideas aside, even when a more logical and judicious principle is presented. The scientists and theologians mentality, limited usually to their five senses, filled this world with false ideas, incomplete statements, intransigently sustained by unilateral point of views that, even though are sustained by decades, will never turn into definitive and absolute truths. In order to point out the scientific methods incertitude, let us take the case of Pluto as an example. Discovered in 1930, it was recently still considered a solar system planet; however, in an assembly plenary held in Prague (August 24, 2006), capital of the Czech Republic, astronomers from all around the world decide to lower it to the state of a dwarf planet.

In order to repair, as far as possible, the damage that false astrologer caused to the real astrology, it is necessary to clarify that this science is an aspect of the truth religion; a subject restricted only to the initiation schools, used by the mysteries hierophants in the education of his disciple. However, as always happens in the esoteric field, the traitors of the arcane doctrine, are found blended with the true adepts, resulting that those mysteries extrapolated its boundaries where they were kept safe, and was profaned by merchants of illusions, lowering to the mundane mentality that are always eager by selfish emotions. Consequently, the sciences of Mages, worshiped in old times as a superior and secret teaching, was slugged by the fortune teller professionals, and transformed into an incomplete and meaningless speculation that nothing has to do with the science of the stars.

The discovery of Pluto has caused a real revolution in astrological field that persists up to present time. Many “astrologers” (?) and an enormous quantity of paper were misapplied in order to describe its characteristics as well as its spiritual and psychological influences, that in fact never existed. Even “The Rosicrucian Fellowship”, esoteric organization with headquarters in Oceanside, founded in 1912 by the honorable initiated Mr. Max Heindel (deceased in 1919), from whom it was expected a little bit of seriousness and pudency, also joined the fashion. Its leader’s lack of understanding collided with the knowledge of traditional astrology as well as the ideas promulgated by its honorable founder when they started to attribute to this celestial body an influence that was never measured or practically confirmed and only exists in their author’s fantasies. This demonstration of irresponsibility, frankly opposed to the teachings of the Rosicrucian philosophy and traditional occultism, was not all: the mentioned institution showed no embarrassment to include in “The Message of the Stars” – a book written by Mr. Max Heindel – a description (or “setting up”) about the nature of this block of rock and ice, and its pretense influence over the evolution of humankind. This description, remarked by foolishness and ingenuity, revealed the lack of understanding of Oceanside leaders and the disrespect to the memory of the honorable messenger of the Rosicrucian Order.

In Brazil, the “Fraternidade Rosacruz” (Rose Cross Fellowship), with headquarters in São Paulo city at Asdrubal do Nascimento Street, 196, affiliated to “The Rosicrucian Fellowship”, of Oceanside, published in their official newsletter (Ecos), last quarter of 2006 (oct, nov, dec), a text that confirms how much a meaningless idea (the case of Pluto) can dominate the mentality of an individual or even an institution that claims to be esoteric. Just to clarify, the founders of the “Fratenindade Rosacruz” (Rose Cross fellowship) were dissidents of the Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo (FRSP) to which the author of these lines is affiliated. The mentioned text’s title is: “Pluto and its new definition”, from which we feel free to reproduce a small part. Says the author, at the end of his “substantiated” thesis, the following: “Evidently this modifications (concerning Pluto) are of astronomic nature, since in the astrological field, Pluto, although reclassified as a “dwarf planet”, still continues to rein the zodiacal sign of Scorpio, the natural eight house of an horoscope, maintaining its basic characteristics: transformation, regeneration, sublimation among others. We suggest consulting the work “The Message of the Star” by Max Heindel and Augusta Foss Heindel, 11th edition, pages 445 and 449”.

What the author of the text maybe doesn’t know, or pretend to ignore, is that Mr. Max Heindel would never authorize this publication, since it doesn’t correspond to the astrological reality. Since, Max Heindel as passed away before the discovery of Pluto, one can not justify its inclusion in a monumental work as “The Message of the Stars”. Does the Coryphaeus of Oceanside, by any chance, judge them with the proper authority to do such an inclusion? Does not the decay where the American Rosicrucian Fellowship stands prove without doubt that this authority never existed?

We know that the brothers of the “Fraternidade Rosacruz” (Rose cross Fellowship) from Brazil are not independent in their orientation, since they are guided by the book of “The Rosicrucian Fellowship”, an institution that, since Mr. Max Heindel has passed away in 1919, collapsed into the most deplorable philosophical mistakes, among them, the inclusion of an dwarf-planet in the traditional astrology, proving that the American leadership have departed completely from the directives left by its honorable founder. By the way, he had already prophesized its decay and ruin, motivated by the usurpation of power from unqualified people (read Max Heindel´s prophecy in the work “Teaching of an Initiated” chapter XXI).

FRSP is an esoteric school founded in 1929. Since its beginning, it was never affiliated or subordinated to any other organization and during 77 years followed word for word the orientation offered by Mr. Max Heindel in his works, and not the ones from Oceanside. Since the discovery of this polemic block of rock in 1930, it has always positioned frankly opposed to its adoption by traditional astrology. Therefore, we severely arise against this misguided attitude from the “Mount Ecclesia” fellowship and from its affiliated organizations, considering such an attitude a philosophical insult and a fraud. Theirs leaders should know that to include an appendix in the work of a deceased author without his previous consent or without any explanation that justifies the action classify them as adulterers. We could say nothing if the description of Pluto was given in a pamphlet independent from “The message of the Stars”, with the name of the author responsible for it. Its inclusion in the work of Mr. Max Heindel project the false idea, at least for new or unwarned students, that it was written by the author of “The message of the Stars”. Maybe this was the intention of the leaders from the little church of Oceanside, the “NON SECTARIAN CHURCH”, designation adopted by them after Mr. Max Heindel left the physical world.

São Paulo, November 16, 2006


O Recipiendário

O Recipiendário

Eliphas Levi….

Mas, antes de tudo, quem sois vós que tendes este livro entre as vossas mãos e o começais a ler?

No frontispício de um templo que a antigüidade consagrara ao Deus da Luz, lia-se esta inscrição em duas palavras:

“Conhece-te a ti mesmo”.

Tenho o mesmo conselho a dar a qualquer homem que queira aproximar-se da ciência.

A magia, que os antigos chamavam sanctum regnum, o santo reino, ou o reino de Deus, regnum Dei, só é feita para os reis e para os padres; sois padres? sois reis? O sacerdócio da magia não é um sacerdócio vulgar e a sua realeza nada tem que debater com os príncipes desse mundo. Os reis da ciência são os padres da verdade, e o seu reino fica oculto para a multidão, como os seus sacrifícios e as suas preces. Os reis da ciência são os homens que conhecem a verdade e que a verdade os tornou livres, conforme a promessa formal do mais poderoso dos iniciadores.

O homem que é escravo das suas paixões ou dos preconceitos deste mundo não poderia ser um iniciado, ele nunca se elevará, enquanto não se reformar; não poderia, pois, ser um Adepto significa aquele que se elevou por sua vontade e por suas obras.

O homem que ama suas idéias e tem medo de as perder, aquele que teme as verdades novas e que não está disposto a duvidar de tudo, antes do que admitir qualquer coisa ao acaso, esse deve fechar este livro, que lhe é inútil e perigoso: ele o compreenderia mal e ficaria perturbado, mas fica-lo-ia ainda muito mais se por acaso o compreendesse bem.

Se estais preso por alguma coisa ao mundo, mais que a razão, à verdade e à justiça; se vossa vontade é incerta e vacilante, quer no bem, quer no mal; se a lógica vos espanta, se a verdade nua vos faz corar; se o vulgo vos tocando nos erros recebidos, condenai imediatamente este livro, e, não o lendo, fazei como se não existisse para vós, porém não o difameis como perigoso: os segredos que ele revela serão compreendidos por um pequeno número, e os que compreenderem não os revelarão. Mostrar à noite a luz aos pássaros, é ocultar-lha, pois que ela os cega e torna-se para eles mais obscura do que as trevas. Falarei, pois, claramente; direi tudo, e tenho a firme confiança de que só os iniciados ou os que são dignos de o ser, lerão tudo e compreenderão alguma coisa.

Há uma verdadeira e uma falsa ciência, uma magia divina e uma magia infernal, isto é, mentirosa e tenebrosa; temos de revelar uma e desvendar a outra; temos que distingüir o mago do feiticeiro e o adepto do charlatão.

O mago dispõe de uma força que conhece, o feiticeiro procura abusar do que ignora.

O diabo, se é permitido num livro de ciência empregar esta palavra desacreditada e vulgar, o diabo se dá ao mago e o feiticeiro se dá ao diabo.

O mago é o soberano pontífice da natureza, o feiticeiro não passa de um profanador.

O feiticeiro é para o mago o que o supersticioso e o fanático são para o homem verdadeiramente religioso.

Antes de ir mais longe, definamos claramente a magia.

A magia é a ciência tradicional dos segredos da natureza, que nos vem dos magos.

Por meio desta ciência, o adepto se acha investido de uma espécie de onipotência relativa e pode agir de modo que ultrapassa a capacidade comum dos homens.

Da obra “Dogma e Ritual da Alta Magia”


O Homem Deus

O Homem Deus

Eliphas Levi….

Envelheci e embranqueci-me nos livros mais desconhecidos e mais terríveis do ocultismo; meus cabelos caíram, minha barba cresceu como a dos padres do deserto; procurei e encontrei a chave dos símbolos de Zoroastro; penetrei nas crípitas de Manés, surpreendi os segredo de Hermes, esquecendo de roubar uma ponta do véu que esconde eternamente a grande obra; sei o que é a esfinge colossal que lentamente penetrou na areia contemplando as pirâmides. Penetrei nos enigmas dos Brahmanes. Sei que mistérios Schimeon ben Jochai enterrava consigo durante doze anos na areia; as clavículas perdidas de Salomão me apareceram resplandecentes de luz e li corretamente os livros que o próprio Mefistófoles não sabia traduzir a Fausto. Pois bem, em nenhum lugar, nem na Pérsia, nem na Índia, nem entre os palimpsestos do antigo Egito, nem nos grimórios malditos subtraídos às fogueiras da Idade Média, encontrei um livro mais profundo, mais revelador, mais luminoso nos seus mistérios, mais espantoso nas suas revelações esplêndidas, mais certo nas suas profecias, mais profundo perscrutador dos abismos do homem e das trevas imensas de Deus, maior, mais verdadeiro, mais simples, mais terrível e mais doce que o Evangelho de Jesus-Cristo.

Da obra “O Grande Arcano”


O Esoterismo Superior e a fantasia espiritualista

O Esoterismo Superior e a fantasia espiritualista

Ennio Dinucci….

O grande obstáculo com que se deparam os estudantes do esoterismo é o de superar a tendência fatal de avaliar seus ensinos pelos padrões intelectuais e relativos, próprios do mundo dos sentidos. Alguns estudantes dotados de um nível de compreensão mais sutil, notam rapidamente que esse método não pode conduzi-los ao conhecimento da verdade; a maioria, porém, nem sequer chega a notar a deficiência deste nível de compreensão (intelectual), passando grande parte do seu tempo especulando as mais variadas linhas do ocultismo, limitados indefinidamente ao campo das teorias e da especulação literal, que impede a maior parte dos estudantes de chegarem a qualquer realização de ordem prática. O desanimo, a desilusão e finalmente, a descrença de todos os ensinos é o resultado obtido por esses investigadores superficiais.

É próprio do homem comum considerar como única e verdadeira, a religião ou filosofia adotada pelo seu nível de compreensão. Esta idéia tem levado muita gente a pensar que é inútil procurar a verdade, uma vez que todas as religiões e filosofias se atribuem o privilégio de possuí-la, desta forma, a verdade seria apenas a opinião sustentada por uma determinada religião.

Esta idéia, assim como a maioria das demais, sustentadas pela mentalidade mundana, é gratuita e destituída de lógica e bom senso. É claro que existe uma “Verdade”, e diríamos até, uma infinidade de verdades que se harmonizam e se completam umas com as outras. Cada ser, cada forma do mundo físico e do espaço sideral possui sua verdade intrínseca, em perfeito equilíbrio com a vontade do Criador!

A grande dificuldade do homem reside no fato de não poder captá-la, devido a insuficiência da sua percepção anímica; os sentidos físicos jamais revelarão ao homem a verdade que interpenetra as formas, pois esta será sempre de ordem espiritual.

O que é preciso compreender é que a verdade não foi inventada pelos homens nem por nenhum fundador de religiões ou de filosofias. “A Verdade é proveniente do céu”, afirmou a Razão Eterna em seu diálogo com Pôncio Pilatos, descrito no Evangelho Apócrifo de Nicodemos. “A Verdade está acima de todos os partidos e de todas as opiniões”, escreveu Eliphas Levi, “a verdade é como o Sol, cego é quem não a vê” ou quem não quer vê-la.

A Verdade, representada pelo trigo da parábola, muitas vezes é confundida com a mentira (joio), e segundo o Divino Iniciador é preciso ter olhos para vê-la, afim de não tomar uma pela outra! Todavia, para chegar ao seu conhecimento e distingui-la da mentira que, muitas vezes se apresenta de uma forma encantadora e sugestiva, capaz de enganar as mentes mais brilhantes, é mister possuir um nível evolutivo que não é comum à grande maioria e, embora esta idéia contrarie a opinião de muitos eruditos, os homens não se encontram numa mesma altura evolutiva; existe uma hierarquia!

Ter olhos capazes de ver além das formas ilusórias, significa ter conquistado uma capacidade anímica fora do comum, que transcende a visão e avaliação do homem terrestre identificado com a matéria. Só depois de ter atingido esta altura psicológica, o indivíduo estará habilitado para separar a aparência da realidade e o sonho da fantasia, permitindo-lhe distinguir no meio do cascalho inútil as pepitas do verdadeiro ouro espiritual!

São muitas as idéias falsas que o homem sustenta a respeito da verdade, entre elas há uma que há muito tempo já tomou conta da mentalidade daqueles que não se dispõem a fazer um estudo sério. Essa idéia infeliz sustenta que todos os caminhos levam a Deus; que todos são bons e que todos, finalmente, vão levá-lo às alturas da glória espiritual! Essa idéia não é racional; seria o mesmo que afirmar que o caminho da mentira pode conduzir à verdade, ou então que uma meia verdade pode conduzi-lo à verdade total, ou ainda, que uma premissa falsa possa desenvolver um raciocínio lógico e verdadeiro. Consideremos que os estudantes do verdadeiro esoterismo hão de ser, antes de tudo, adeptos da lógica e do bom senso!

Além disso, os Evangelhos não corroboram esta afirmação. Eles afirmam enfaticamente que só existe um único Caminho e uma única Verdade que conduz à Vida Eterna: Cristo-Jesus! Isto deve levar o estudante a concluir que é preciso compreender e levar a sério seus ensinos para chegar ao objetivo final apontado por Ele: “O reino de Deus está dentro, em vós”.

Os “saduceus e os fariseus” (cientistas, intelectuais e eclesiásticos), de todos os tempos, estão incluídos neste segundo grupo que indicamos acima, limitados pelo intelecto sensorial, deleitando-se com intermináveis discussões científicas e teológicas que os fazem procurar no exterior a verdade que se encontra em seu próprio interior, impedindo-se a si e aos outros, de chegarem ao conhecimento da verdade, ou melhor dito, do “Manancial Misterioso e Espiritual” de onde brota a verdadeira sabedoria! Estes estudiosos deveriam tomar conhecimento de que o homem, é uma síntese do universo, e que só é possível chegar ao conhecimento de Deus e da imensidão que os rodeia, estudando-se a si mesmos!

Entre as várias frases enigmáticas apresentadas pelos Evangelhos, há uma que deveria ser considerada com especial atenção pelos investigadores sérios, diz ela: “Portanto não os temais (opiniões dos saduceus e fariseus): pois nada há encoberto, que não venha a ser revelado; nem oculto, que não venha a ser conhecido” (Mateus 10:26).

Esta frase há de ser analisada sob dois aspectos: o interno e o externo. Pelo ponto de vista interno quer ela significar que toda a realidade espiritual do homem será revelada à sua consciência, desde que este alcance o grau de evolução que lhe permita pôr-se em contato com ela.

Pelo ponto de vista externo significa que, tudo quanto os homens sofismaram a respeito da vida espiritual e da criação do universo que, não corresponda à realidade das leis de Deus e da natureza, terá que ser posto de lado como coisa inútil, pouco importando as opiniões dos cientistas e dos teólogos, e muito menos a imensa quantidade de livros que divulgaram suas idéias.

Nos últimos anos, com o advento da Internet e da publicação de várias obras biográficas, é possível tomar conhecimento das várias instituições espiritualistas fundadas no século XX, bem como da vida e dos ideais sustentados por alguns dos seus fundadores. Causa um certo constrangimento quando se toma conhecimento do nível de mentalidade sustentada por alguns destes homens!

Alguns deles, intelectuais de nomeada com inclinação para o hermetismo, defenderam alguns pontos de vista esotéricos, (?) que a rigor não passam de idéias próprias, de sonhos e fantasias individuais, destituídas de qualquer autoridade e sem o aval de nenhuma Escola autorizada pelo plano evolutivo. Os fatos estão aí para provar que esses sonhos filosóficos têm pervertido e desencaminhado a mentalidade de muita gente, levando-as a um misticismo exacerbado e tolo, muito próximo do fanatismo e da superstição.

Outros, dotados de espírito comercial e utilitário, montaram verdadeiros impérios financeiros, mesclando habilmente interesses empresariais, políticos e místicos, às custas dos seus ingênuos seguidores que, encantados com os seus ensinos, lhes garantiram uma vida de alto luxo, conforto, viagens internacionais e hospedagens em hotéis de primeira linha, propiciando-lhes os meios para divulgarem, por meio de livros e conferências públicas, seus altos conhecimentos sobre a matéria!

O que mais admira quando se toma conhecimento da conduta destes homens e mulheres – alguns deles fundadores de conhecidas instituições filosóficas ainda ativas na atualidade – foi sua extrema facilidade de conceber as mais disparatadas idéias.

Como exemplo, citaremos apenas uma, concebida por um dos “mestres” de uma sociedade, que chegou a contar com 40.000 associados em todo o mundo. Essa idéia consistia em preparar um jovem hindu para servir de instrumento ao “Sr Maitreya” (?), o novo Cristo ou grande mestre que, segundo eles, deveria revelar-se ao mundo através desse discípulo, para dar um novo impulso à evolução e revelar ensinamentos completamente desconhecidos até então! Felizmente, esse jovem – dotado com alguma luz própria – percebeu a tempo a farsa espiritualista de que estava sendo vítima, negando-se terminantemente a levá-la adiante.

Outros, depois de muito procurarem e especularem intelectualmente, caíram num estado de apatia ou depressão dolorosa, muito semelhante ao desequilíbrio mental, consumindo grandes quantidades de álcool, adquirindo hábitos estranhos, chegando ao extremo de negar publicamente a existência das Escolas Superiores, dos métodos e sistemas de desenvolvimento espiritual, bem como dos Mestres que revelaram esses ensinos ao mundo. Apenas uma minoria muito seleta indicou o lugar para onde os verdadeiros ensinos deveriam conduzir o discípulo: para o interior de si mesmos!

Não citaremos os nomes dessas pessoas, nem das organizações por eles fundadas, indicaremos apenas a fonte de onde extraímos estas informações, para que os interessados possam tomar conhecimento das idéias extravagantes divulgadas por alguns desses pretensos ocultistas.

Como, “não há nada encoberto que não venha a ser revelado…” recomendamos aos interessados a leitura da obra do Sr. Peter Washington, – “O Babuíno de Madame Blavatski” – publicada pela “Editora Record”. A obra de Mary Lutyens, – “Os Anos do Despertar” – publicada pela Editora Cultrix, bem como de uma coleção composta por 23 volumes, publicada alguns anos atrás pela Editora Abril, intitulada – “Mistérios do Desconhecido” – na qual, em um de seus volumes – “Seitas Secretas” – encontram-se as biografias de vários desses mestres.

Ao recomendarmos a leitura dessas obras, não vai da nossa parte nenhuma intenção de atacar quem quer que seja, mas apenas levar ao conhecimento dos interessados o que pode fazer um ocultismo sem Deus, sem consciência, sem Amor e sem Virtudes! Para que possam comparar o nível e a qualidade das idéias filosóficas expostas por estes “abalizados mestres (as)”, com os princípios sábios, profundos e sublimes apresentados pela “Venerável Ordem Rosacruz“, a Escola de Mistérios do Ocidente, confiando que os verdadeiros estudantes não a confundirão com a “AMORC”, pois esta não é uma “Escola autorizada”, mas apenas uma organização comercial, que indevidamente apropriou-se desse nome sagrado.

Ainda mais, para que notem as diferenças entre os especuladores comuns (intelectuais) e os psíquicos negativos (médiuns) – erroneamente denominados ocultistas – com a dos verdadeiros Iniciados como o Sr. Max Heindel, por exemplo, o insigne e Iluminado Mensageiro dos “Irmãos Maiores da Ordem Rosacruz”, cuja autoridade, caráter e honestidade estão acima de qualquer suspeita.

O que mais nos chamou a atenção ao ler essas biografias (inclusive a do Sr. Max Heindel) é que, contra ele não foi encontrado nenhum “porém” que pudesse macular ou denegrir seu nome e sua obra! Por essa razão deu-se pouca importância ao seu trabalho, o que impediu de incluir seu nome entre os “grandes ocultistas do século XX”.

É uma verdade comprovada que os valores reais quase nunca são reconhecidos e levados a sério pela mentalidade mundana! Diz Eliphas Levi que, “O belo é sempre simples; a verdade parece coisa ordinária; e o justo passa desapercebido porque não molesta a ninguém. A ordem nunca é notada; é a desordem que atrai a atenção, porque é embaraçosa e gritadora”.

Sem dúvida o Grande Mago do século XIX tinha razão. O nível psicológico do homem comum, materialista e astucioso, é incapaz de sentir e avaliar a grandiosidade dos verdadeiros sábios; a astúcia e o egoísmo que o caracteriza não lhe permite captar as verdades espirituais divulgadas por estes, seu acanhado nível mental o impede de compreende-los e, por essa razão seus ensinos são praticamente desconhecidos, embora se encontrem em todas as livrarias!

Os homens limitados aos sentidos físicos (mesmo sendo cultos), cujas consciências encontram-se enfocadas apenas nas formas ilusórias do mundo fenomenal, com raras exceções, sempre se sentirão atraídos para os charlatões e ilusionistas, especialmente para aqueles que falam com desenvoltura e que enganam as pessoas de boa fé subtraindo-lhes seu haveres. Estes são os ídolos da mentalidade mundana, considerados espertos, inteligentes e até sábios!

Em todos os tempos se deu maior destaque aos que estão ou estiveram envolvidos em escândalos, fraudes e falcatruas de toda a ordem e até mesmo com rituais de magia negra e, quando se procura mostrar essa realidade, seus simpatizantes se negam a aceitá-la e até os defendem! A verdadeira Ciência Esotérica, assim como os Grandes Mestres que a divulgam são praticamente desconhecidos, pois estes não folgam com a mentira, com o lucro e o sensacionalismo barato.

Diante da opção de escolha entre Cristo e Barrabás, o mundo, sem dúvida elegerá Barrabás! O destino dos grandes homens é passarem desapercebidos entre as multidões do seu século, porém seus ensinos não se perdem, eles permanecem e se projetam para a eternidade, por estarem alicerçados na Verdade, no Amor e na justiça! Por essa razão a Filosofia Rosacruciana, apresentada ao mundo ocidental em 1909 pelo Sr. Max Heindel, é praticamente desconhecida por uma grande parte daqueles que se dizem estudantes de ocultismo!

No decorrer deste trabalho, tentaremos mostrar ao estudante que o homem comum, não passa de um reflexo fugaz de consciência; que todo o reflexo se manifesta de forma inversa à realidade que o produz, sendo esta a causa que faz com que os homens vejam tudo ao contrário da realidade!

Tudo indica que é chegado o tempo de proclamar a verdade em alta voz; de revelar o que estava oculto, para que tudo que não esteja em consonância com a Verdade de Deus revelada por Cristo, caia definitivamente para não mais se erguer.

Cristo, caia definitivamente para não mais se erguer. Podemos lamentar, porém, não nos impressionarmos absolutamente ao tomar conhecimento destas informações, já que conhecíamos, em alguma extensão, as idéias sustentadas por estes “mestres”, portanto, seus frutos eram previsíveis. Todavia, elas são de grande utilidade, pois serviram para reforçar nossas convicções de que o intelecto, sem a revelação do Espírito, só pode levar a saturação mental, a fantasia e a dúvida sobre a veracidade de todos os ensinos. A prática tem comprovado que a mente divorciada do coração não pode chegar ao conhecimento de verdade alguma e, muito menos, receber o impulso dinâmico que desperta no homem o Amor por Deus e pelo Próximo!

Sem a revelação do Espírito é impossível erguer a compreensão acima da letra morta de qualquer ensinamento e distinguir a verdade da mentira, o sonho e a fantasia da realidade, a distinção entre os fatos históricos e o sentido simbólico das Escrituras! Sem a revelação interior o homem não pode chegar ao conhecimento da verdade, permanecendo indefinidamente no nível da ilusão e da mentira sensorial, mesmo sendo filiado à maior religião da terra!

Voltamos a repetir que o esoterismo começa aonde termina a investigação intelectual, isto é, quando cessam de afluir à mente as impressões captadas pelos sentidos físicos, que hão de ser substituídas por outro tipo de impressões derivadas de um nível de compreensão mais elevado, que só pode ser encontrado no plano onde reside a sabedoria do Espírito (Maná Escondido)!

Dessa fonte de informações internas procede a revelação, intuição ou iluminação, também conhecida como “Entendimento Espiritual”. Rogamos aos estudantes para não confundirem a “Intuição” com a fantasia intelectual da mente concreta, pois esta conclusão os levaria a incorrer em graves e lamentáveis enganos, como aqueles que ocorreram com alguns dos pretensos ocultistas do passado, considerados ainda hoje pelas opiniões desautorizadas como os grandes magos do século XX.

O que o investigador sincero mais necessita é a “certeza do conhecimento” e, quando este é proveniente da “Fonte Interna”, ele se reveste de uma tal convicção e autoridade (sentida até pelas pessoas descrentes) a qual, não se deixará abater nem enganar por nenhuma idéia contrária, por mais bela e sofisticada que possa ser.

São Paulo chamou a esta faculdade espiritual, “A Mente de Cristo”, prometida a todos aqueles que se convertem em verdadeiros discípulos do seu Cristo-Interno; a todos que recebem o “Paráclito” ou o “Espírito da Verdade” em suas consciências e que, por essa razão, não se iludem mais com as aparências, e muito menos, com as insinuações do intelecto ou mente carnal.

O despertar do “Paráclito” no interior da alma humana faz aflorar no homem o “Espírito de Caridade”, isto é, o Amor, o respeito e a consideração devidas a Deus e ao próximo! É preciso que se diga que o Espírito de Caridade é humilde, respeitoso, paciente e despretensioso e, sobretudo, não faz negócio com a boa fé dos seus irmãos!

O homem mais avançado, quer pertença a linha intelectual ou mística, começa a notar que os ensinos dos saduceus e fariseus (cientistas, intelectuais e teólogos) carecem de autoridade espiritual, ou seja, da “certeza do conhecimento” por não estarem ancorados na “investigação direta”, proporcionada pela Iniciação, portanto, falta-lhes o “Espírito da Verdade”, que os distinguirão sempre dos ensinos incompletos ou relativos.

O intelecto, por mais penetrante que possa ser, poderá rodear a porta do templo do Espírito procurando por uma brecha que lhe de acesso ao seu interior, entretanto, por mais louváveis que sejam os seus esforços, esta jamais se abrirá ante a audácia dos seus assaltos!


O comércio dos fariseus

O comércio dos fariseus

Ennio Dinucci….

Os versículos 13 a 25, do segundo capítulo do Evangelho de João, referem-se a este nível psicológico inferior que poderia ser definido como “Mercadologia Interna”, responsável pelo mau emprego dos ensinos superiores, comprovando praticamente que a realidade exterior será sempre a projeção de um estado de alma positivo ou negativo, quer seja individual ou coletivo.

A mentalidade farisáica de todos os tempos sempre se sentiu tentada a mercadejar as coisas sagradas, em proveito próprio ou de grupos organizados, dissimulados por uma fé hipócrita e sensacionalista, que emprega a astúcia como principal meio para atrair as massas populares.

Na atual época, especialmente, é comum a organização de poderosas empresas religiosas e filosóficas, em franca concorrência umas com as outras na exploração vergonhosa da credulidade pública. Jesus, a Bíblia, os Evangelhos e as tradições ocultas mais sagradas são empregados abusivamente pelos empresários religiosos, como propaganda sugestiva que sempre produz efeitos favoráveis, proporcionando um rápido e vantajoso retorno financeiro.

Observe-se, como exemplo, o império religioso que foi construído na cidade de “Aparecida do Norte”, e a quantidade de dinheiro que é recolhido pela igreja católica nas festividades dedicadas a “padroeira do Brasil”. A São Judas Tadeu foi dedicado o dia 28 de cada mês, em que sua igreja localizada no bairro do Jabaquara permanece lotada durante todo o dia. Tudo isto, sem considerar outros cultos igualmente lucrativos, como: a do Sto. Expedito, Nossa Sra. de Fátima, Sto. Antônio, São Francisco, além de outros ídolos, com destaque especial dessa pantomima carnavalesca e infeliz comandada pelo Padre Marcelo, e por sua “eminência reverendíssima”, o Bispo de Sto. Amaro. Cremos que isto seja suficiente para que se tenha uma noção da exploração astuciosa feita em nome da ingênua fé popular!

Mas o comércio não pára por aí. Existem, ainda, os grandes movimentos bíblicos e evangélicos, como a igreja universal do reino de Deus; a igreja Deus é amor; a igreja renascer; os mórmons, etc. que, a exemplo da igreja católica romana estão promovendo uma gigantesca negociata em nome de Deus!

Paralelo ao comércio religioso encontram-se as empresas esotéricas como a AMORC, por exemplo, e uma infinidade de escolas(???) e centros espiritualistas das mais variadas linhas filosóficas que também estão faturando alto, vendendo elevados conhecimentos esotéricos relacionados com os “Druídas”, os Essênios, com o Conde de Saint-Germain, com os altos iniciados do antigo Egito, da Índia e da Caldéia, além de poderes espirituais e iniciações a todos aqueles que são suficientemente tolos para acreditar nas suas arengas.

Causa espanto quando se observa o vergonhoso e sórdido comércio que tais empresas desenvolvem! O mundo nunca viu tantas pessoas interessadas na salvação das “pobres almas humanas”, como na atualidade!

Como já vai longe a época em que se faziam sacrifícios de animais para remissão dos pecados, não se vendem mais bois, ovelhas e pombas nos templos, os tempos mudaram; em compensação vende-se imagens de gesso, estampas coloridas (santinhos), velas, fitas, medalhas, terços, membros humanos de cera, pílulas com orações escritas em seu interior, que estão fazendo a fortuna dos “cambistas” e das organizações comerciais as quais eles pertencem!

Segundo a lei da analogia “o que está fora é semelhante ao que está dentro”, e isto faz supor que todo esse movimento comercial que está infiltrado nas coisas sagradas, não passa do reflexo de um estado de alma inconsciente e irresponsável, totalmente dominado pelo materialismo e pelo personalismo egoísta e astucioso, que viu nas religiões um meio fácil de controlar as massas e fazer fortuna.

O Templo Interior que, segundo São Paulo é o sacrário do Espírito Santo, foi ocupado pelos “cambistas e seus animais”, transformando-o num super mercado, que reflete no exterior toda a sua abominação e insensatez! A falta de respeito por Deus e por si mesmo é a principal causa da mercantilização que observamos nos movimentos religiosos. A rigor, o único deus que essa mentalidade utilitária respeita é “mammon”, o deus do dinheiro que confere glória e poder mundano!

É evidente que ao denunciar este estado de coisas, não vai da nossa parte a mínima intenção de acabar com ele, pois conhecemos muito bem a mentalidade que norteia os atos dos escribas e fariseus contemporâneos, bem como dos inventores de escolas e de filosofias espiritualistas.

Sabemos por experiência pessoal que o caminho do esoterismo é apertado e difícil, impossível, portanto, de ser percorrido por indivíduos de mentalidade pervertida, que fazem do lucro fácil a razão das suas atividades! Queremos, entretanto, deixar manifesto o nosso protesto, para que não se venha a dizer mais tarde que ninguém enxergou nada, ou que, sob o pretexto de não atacar nenhuma organização, estamos compactuando com este comércio sórdido e ilícito desenvolvido na atualidade.

O primeiro estágio da Iniciação Cristã começa com o batismo ou preparação psicológica (Metanóia), que dá início à purificação do interior do templo, a fim de expulsar os cambistas (idéias negativas) que constituem os “elementos psíquicos” carregados com Forças de Repulsão (animais), responsáveis pela mediocridade e baixo nível da mentalidade humana.

O estudante só poderá avançar, efetivamente, quando compreender e puser em prática as palavras do Salvador: “Tirai daqui estas coisas; não façais da casa de meu Pai (Espírito) casa de negócio”.


Ciência Esotérica

Ciência Esotérica

O Interior e o Exterior

A Filosofia Rosacruciana, assim como as tradições esotéricas da antiguidade, são unânimes em afirmar que o homem não é apenas o lado exterior visível com o qual se identifica completamente, mas uma consciência num certo grau evolutivo que o distingue dos demais reinos. Entretanto, esta faculdade maravilhosa está envolvida pelo mistério mais profundo, desconcertando os estudiosos quando se veem obrigados a reconhecer que pouco sabem a seu respeito. Só a Ciência Esotérica, tem autoridade para retirar os véus que ocultam sua origem. Segundo ela, a consciência seria o reflexo “separado do Espírito” ou Luz espiritual, existente no interior de cada ser humano, de onde é extraída a vida e a inteligência, como também o poder mental e sentimental postos a serviço do homem. É claro que os sábios acadêmicos, recusam-se a aceitar as verdades promulgadas pelo ocultismo e, até certo ponto, é compreensível essa recusa. Sua ciência, relativa e materialista, os impedem de levar a sério qualquer outra ideia que não se apoie na investigação sensorial e intelectual. Suas teses são montadas com informações provenientes desse nível e por essa razão, as conclusões a que podem chegar, serão sempre relativas e materialistas. Porém, não importa quais sejam suas opiniões a respeito, ou o que o homem comum possa pensar desta afirmação esotérica. Dia virá em que os sábios mundanos terão que adotá-las, uma a uma, curvando-se respeitosamente diante das grandes verdades, apresentadas pelos Magos em todos os tempos.


Astrologia e Astronomia

Astrologia e Astronomia

Aviso aos estudantes

Ennio Dinucci….

Para evitar a possível formação de idéias errôneas a respeito dos ensinos astrológicos, informamos que a descrição das influencias planetárias sobre o planeta Plutão, inserida posteriormente na obra “A MENSAGEM DAS ESTRELAS”, na pagina 411 (Edição brasileira, da Fraternidade Rosacruz do Brasil, Editora O Pensamento), não é de autoria do Sr. Max Heindel.

É de lamentar que tal fato tenha ocorrido, por se tratar de uma obra Rosacruciana de suma importância, no campo da interpretação astrológica. Tal atitude não só revela falta de ética filosófica, como também, desrespeito à memória do autor, que jamais autorizaria essa descrição.

Na realidade, nem mesmo a Astronomia, até o presente, tem qualquer informação exata quanto à identidade deste Astro – se é um planeta, uma lua ou um bloco de gelo e pedra girando no espaço. As investigações mais recentes fizeram com que a ciência se inclinasse mais para esta última hipótese.

A descrição acima referida é de responsabilidade exclusiva da “The Rosicrucian Fellowship”, organização fundada em 1912, pelo Sr. Max Heindel, autor dessa obra. Esta organização – originalmente uma Escola Esotérica – após a passagem do seu fundador para os Mundos Espirituais (1919), afastou-se consideravelmente das diretrizes estabelecidas pelo Mestre, abdicando do regime escolar e adotando os métodos próprios de uma igreja. (Non sectarian church)

Embora a Sede Mundial nos Estados Unidos (Oceanside), a exemplo de outros astrólogos modernos, insistem em conferir a este corpo celeste as mais descabidas influências, a “Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo”, não reconhece nestas interpretações a menor autoridade. Elas não passam de especulações filosóficas sem sentido que não correspondem aos ensinos do Ocultismo Tradicional, e muito menos à orientação deixada pelo Sr. Max Heindel, insigne mensageiro da Ordem Rosacruz.

Para averiguar nossas informações, basta consultar as edições mais antigas desta obra editadas nos idiomas Inglês e Castelhano, além de outros.

Artigo publicado no Órgão informativo da Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo em Abril de 1997, “Boletim Rosacruciano”


As verdadeiras e falsas Escolas

As verdadeiras e falsas Escolas

“Não se colhem uvas dos espinheiros nem figos dos abrolhos” (Mt7:16)

Ennio Dinucci ….

“No século XIV, apareceu na Europa Central um Grande Mestre Espiritual cujo nome simbólico era “Christian Rosenkreuz ou Cristão Rosacruz”, que fundou a misteriosa Ordem Rosacruz, a respeito da qual tantas hipóteses se têm levantado, sem que algo relevante tenha chegado ao conhecimento do mundo em geral, pois ela é a “ESCOLA DE MISTÉRIOS DO OCIDENTE” e se abre unicamente para aqueles que alcançaram o estágio de desenvolvimento espiritual necessário para ser Iniciados nos seus segredos, relativos à ciência da vida e do ser.

Nos séculos transcorridos desde que foi formada a Ordem Rosacruz, seus membros têm trabalhado secreta e silenciosamente desde os planos espirituais, esforçando-se para modelar o pensamento da Europa Central, mediante as Obras de Paracelso, Jacob Boheme, Bacon, Shakespeare, Fludd e outros. Às suas atividades devemos todos nós a espiritualização da nossa ciência, antes tão materialista.

Com o início do século XX, deu-se um novo passo à frente. Ficou estabelecido que algo deveria ser feito para tornar científica a religião, assim como espiritualizar a ciência, com o propósito de, no final, ambas se harmonizarem, considerando que hoje em dia o coração e o intelecto estão divorciados. Com o propósito de proporcionar ao mundo um ensino harmonioso que satisfaça a Mente e o Coração, foi necessário encontrar um mensageiro e instruí-lo.

Era necessário que ele reunisse determinadas qualidades extraordinárias; o primeiro escolhido fracassou ao não passar por certa prova, depois de ter passado vários anos sendo preparado para esse trabalho”

O trecho acima é de autoria do Sr. Max Heindel sobre o qual recaiu a segunda escolha. Foi ele o Mensageiro escolhido e preparado pelos Irmãos Maiores da Ordem Rosacruz para divulgar seus ensinamentos, cujo intuito é o de despertar os poderes latentes do homem e de estabelecer uma união entre o coração e a mente, sem o que, segundo São Paulo, o conhecimento de todos os Mistérios é inútil.

Através dele o mundo pode conhecer algo definido a respeito da – tão falada, e ao mesmo tempo – tão desconhecida Sociedade, e por meio do estudo da obra básica monumental, “Conceito Rosacruz do Cosmos”, recebida diretamente dos Irmãos Maiores da Ordem, é possível a todo o estudante interessado encontrar respostas às perguntas que assediam a todos os homens e mulheres inteligentes:

QUEM SOU EU? DE ONDE VIM? QUE ESTOU FAZENDO AQUI AGORA? PARA ONDE IREI DEPOIS DA MORTE? Graças aos seus ensinos e a sua dedicação os estudantes interessados podem contar com uma orientação segura, científica e religiosa ao mesmo tempo, que lentamente, mas seguramente, eliminará o materialismo crasso da ciência e as obscuridades do dogma religioso.

Ao grande INSTRUTOR, ILUMINADO e INICIADO pela OREM ROSACRUZ, todo o reconhecimento e gratidão dos Estudantes da Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo. Rendemos a ele o preito do mais profundo respeito e gratidão, por todo o sacrifício realizado pelo bem da humanidade. Esta, um dia compreenderá a grandiosidade da alma deste autêntico Cristão que deu sua vida em prol da divulgação da verdade.

Nossa homenagem e gratidão se dirige também à figura excelsa e saudosa do nosso grande Amigo e Instrutor Professor Lourival Camargo Pereira, batalhador incansável na defesa do bem e da verdade, estudioso profundo, que com seu verbo poderoso enxertou em nossas almas o Evangelho da Vida Eterna, libertando-a do medo da morte.

O Professor Lourival foi o fundador e Instrutor da Fraternidade durante 61 anos, passando para os mundos espirituais em agosto de 1990. Foi com ele que demos os primeiros passos decisivos no estudo e entendimento da Filosofia Rosacruciana, que nos abriu perspectivas maravilhosas nunca imaginadas antes! Deus lhe pague Irmão Instrutor pela abertura de Consciência que nos proporcionou; pela amizade invariável e fraternal que sempre demonstrou praticamente por todos os seus estudantes. Oxalá possamos pagar-lhe ao menos em parte o débito contraído, conduzindo a Escola que nos fez herdeiros, dentro da linha traçada pelo seu entendimento, absolutamente fiel aos ensinos divulgados pelo Sr. Max Heindel que, com amor e carinho nos soube transmitir. Receba o abraço fraternal de todos os seus discípulos.

Este site tem por finalidade dar alguns esclarecimentos que julgamos oportunos, pois os fatos indicam que há um equivoco muito grande relacionado com o nome “ROSACRUZ”. Este título misterioso tem despertado o interesse e a curiosidade de muitos investigadores e, embora seja muito divulgado na literatura esotérica do mundo ocidental, ele não representa mais – principalmente na atualidade em que o adultério filosófico tomou conta da sagrada ciência – nenhuma garantia de autenticidade.

O vinagre nunca se transformará em vinho de qualidade pelo fato de aplicarmos no recipiente que o encerra, o rótulo de uma marca de vinho consagrado pela sua alta qualidade. Mesmo que esta marca fosse registrada e os falsificadores se outorgassem direitos sobre ela, nem assim, o vinagre poderia ser considerado como vinho de qualidade, por não passar de uma degeneração do produto original.

Esse mesmo exemplo pode ser aplicado às Escolas esotéricas, pois o vinho sempre foi considerado um símbolo dessas instituições de ensino superior. O vinagre ao contrário, simboliza as falsas instituições ou pseudo-escolas que se apropriam de um ensino ou de um nome sagrado que não lhes pertence absolutamente, usando-o como se fosse sua propriedade e servindo-se dele como bandeira de propaganda para atrair os incautos e ocultar intenções puramente comerciais, que fazem a fortuna dos seus organizadores. Seguindo o exemplo de “Simão o mago”, estão sempre na expectativa de um bom negócio.

Os ensinos apresentados pelas pseudo-escolas Rosacruzes não têm nenhuma afinidade espiritual e psicológica com os legítimos métodos de desenvolvimento espiritual apresentados pelos Evangelhos de Cristo e pela Ordem Rosacruz. Eles têm desviado muitas pessoas do conhecimento da verdade que, com a boa fé que caracteriza certa classe de pessoas, têm a desventura de se alistarem em suas fileiras, iludidos por uma propaganda enganosa que lhes prometem poderes ocultos, como Clarividência, Iniciação, desdobramentos, poderes psíquicos, etc.

Tudo nessas falsas escolas tem seu preço em dinheiro, evidentemente! Suas vítimas, além de pagarem taxas de inscrição, pagam por todas as instruções recebidas, convencidos de que, com tais práticas e exercícios conquistarão o Reino dos Céus ou os pretensos poderes que almejam, ignorando que esse reino prometido pelo Esoterismo só pode ser conquistado pelo sacrifício das ilusões, pelo Amor e pela Inteligência, ambos filhos da Liberdade de consciência!

A Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo dedica-se desde sua fundação em 1929, exclusivamente ao ensino da Filosofia Rosacruciana e dos Evangelhos, procurando auxiliar fraternalmente a todos aqueles que se aproximam da sua Corrente.

Diz a sabedoria de todas as idades que o tempo prova a importância ou a inutilidade de todas as coisas. Só ele comprovará o valor dos ideais humanos, assim como a firmeza, o caráter e a persistência dos seus idealizadores! Será sempre o tempo que demonstrará o valor e o alcance dos ideais altruístas, ou os resultados negativos produzidos pelas falsas idéias que desencaminham e arruinam a mentalidade dos homens. É por esse motivo que os Evangelhos afirmam que a árvore se conhece pelos frutos que produz.

Uma árvore boa não pode produzir um fruto mau, assim como uma árvore má não pode produzir um fruto bom e, seguindo a mesma linha de raciocínio poderia-se afirmar que, uma Escola autêntica só pode conduzir seus estudante ao conhecimento da verdade, ao passo que uma pseudo-escola só pode promover a fraude e a mentira. É claro que tanto uma como a outra demonstram o seu valor ou a sua nulidade com o correr do tempo, as leis da natureza são sempre justas e invariáveis.

As ações humanas serão sempre a exteriorização de uma condição interna estabelecida pelas idéias, assim como o fruto é a exteriorização ou expressão máxima da árvore. O mesmo princípio rege também as Escolas Esotéricas. O que é a Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo? É uma Escola constituída por homens e mulheres conscientes, reunidos em nome de um IDEAL ou VERBO que amam e respeitam, constituindo-se numa diretriz segura a todos os seus esforços, quer sejam individuais ou coletivos.

A conjugação dos interesses e aspirações superiores da coletividade, estabeleceram com o passar dos anos, uma “CORRENTE ESPIRITUAL” com grande capacidade de realização. O ocultismo da o nome de “Egrégora” ou “Alma Coletiva” a esta base de forças mentais e emocionais sabiamente acumuladas. Ela representa o patrimônio mais precioso de uma legítima Escola, pois através dela chega a cada estudante o apoio e o estimulo que cada qual necessita para alcançar o êxito. A união faz a força!

Para que esta Egrégora pudesse ser formada e constantemente alimentada, é imprescindível que esteja de acordo com a LEI, com a VERDADE e com os ensinamentos de Cristo, o Guia que rege a presente fase da evolução humana, daí a frase proferida por Ele há tanto tempo e que ainda não foi compreendida:

“Aonde dois ou mais homens se reunirem em meu nome, aí estarei eu no meio deles”. Que significa reunir-se em seu nome? Significa logicamente estar de acordo com os princípios que esse nome representa, ou seja: A VERDADE, A RAZÃO, A LÓGICA, O BOM SENSO, O AMOR, A SERIEDADE, A JUSTIÇA, O ESTUDO SÉRIO, A HONESTIDADE, A FRATERNIDADE, etc.

Não é possível admitir em sã consciência que em nome de Cristo se faça negócios, se explore o próximo e se engane os desprevenidos. Uma genuína Escola esotérica só poderá chegar ao sucesso se estiver apoiada sobre os fundamentos que esse nome representa.

Os fundadores da Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo, seguiram os conselhos do Mestre atendendo o seu mandamento, eis a razão do sucesso da Fraternidade através de todos estes anos; eis o motivo que a mantém viva e atuante com entusiasmo sempre renovado desde 1929. Em toda a sua existência ela nunca se desviou por um só momento dos seus objetivos mais sagrados! Nunca teve qualquer outra preocupação, a não ser a de trabalhar na Seara do Senhor ensinando a verdade que liberta e emancipa o homem, procurando convertê-lo numa nova criatura em Cristo.

A Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo é uma Escola independente; não está subordinada a nenhuma outra organização. Não atende a nenhuma orientação que não seja a de Cristo e a dos Irmãos Maiores da Ordem Rosacruz, através do Sr. Max Heindel.

Seus estudantes podem proclamar em alta voz que o fruto produzido pela Fraternidade é da mais alta qualidade tendo a certeza absoluta que são do agrado do Pai Celeste. Cada irmão é a expressão ou fruto dessa grande árvore chamada “Escola Rosacruciana”; são eles que, através dos seus atos de amor, de fraternidade e solidariedade confirmam o valor da Filosofia, por terem alcançado um alto nível de Consciência e Entendimento!

A Fraternidade não cobra taxas de inscrição, não vende ensinamentos nem instruções, não faz negócios. Uma Escola Esotérica que comercializasse seus ensinos não mereceria o nome de Escola e não teria nada que valesse a pena ser pago. Também não é feita qualquer propaganda em jornais e revistas, não são dadas entrevistas em rádio e televisão; não é pedido aos seus associados que divulguem pela palavra falada ou escrita os ensinos que receberam para atrair mais pessoas.

Desde sua fundação nunca lhe faltou qualquer recurso para dar continuidade ao seu trabalho, graças a Deus e graças aos corações generosos dos seus alunos que compreenderam a necessidade de espontaneamente auxiliarem a sua Escola.

Como Instituição dos “Filhos do Fogo” (que não deve ser confundida com uma igreja) sua porta estará sempre aberta a todas as pessoas que quiserem se aproximar. Não são feitas discriminações de raça, credo, cor ou posição social. Todos são recebidos indistintamente com o maior carinho e espírito fraternal. O ensino é igual para todos, não há privilégios. Porém, é sabido que os homens não são iguais psicologicamente e que, nem todos estão preparados para receber e entender os ensinos superiores, mesmo possuindo um intelecto de primeira grandeza ou muita cultura acadêmica. É preciso não confundir conhecimento com entendimento.

Nicodemos era um grande intelecto, um doutor da lei e não entendeu a Cristo quando este lhe perguntou se lhe importava nascer de novo. Por essa e outras razões não existe a preocupação com o número de filiados. A quantidade não tem a menor importância! A experiência de muitos anos tem demonstrado que este caminho é para poucos, e que sempre é difícil caminhar por ele.

O objetivo dos ensinos Rosacruzes consiste em formar novas mentalidades alicerçadas na verdade, homens e mulheres conscientes da sua condição espiritual. Essas serão as elites que dirigirão o mundo do futuro, elites estas, não medidas pela posição social ou saldo disponível no Banco. Não! Não é a essa elite que a Escola Rosacruciana pretende dar continuidade, uma vez que, as que se apoiaram apenas nesses valores duvidosos, falharam lamentavelmente!

O mundo nunca teve tanta necessidade de lideranças autenticas como na atualidade e estas, deverão ter por fundamento uma “Pedra” chamada “CONSCIÊNCIA”, cujas qualidades são confirmadas pelas ações e não por aparências hipócritas que se traduzem por um palavrório rebuscado, porém, sem qualquer autoridade moral.

Essa elite será formada por homens que conhecem a verdade e que a verdade os tornou livres, conforme a promessa formal do mais poderoso dos “Iniciadores” (Cristo). Essa elite logicamente será formada pela qualidade anímica e não personalística!

Os Evangelhos aconselham os homens a deixar brilhar a própria luz para que ela seja vista pelos homens. Ora, a palavra luz significa “Consciência” e o grau de Consciência de um homem é avaliado não só por aquilo que pensa e diz, mas sobretudo, por aquilo que ele é e faz.

Será sempre a ação que classificará ou desclassificará um indivíduo. Quando as Escrituras pedem ao homem que deixe brilhar a sua luz para que ela seja vista pelos outros homens, lhe pede simplesmente que ame ao seu próximo, que o respeite, que o trate com misericórdia, amor e espírito de fraternidade, pois apesar de todas as mazelas da falsa personalidade, eles são seus irmãos, pois todos são filhos de um mesmo Pai comum que é Deus!

Essa forma de agir, é a única que poderá da testemunho da “Luz”, da Consciência gerada na base do Amor e da Inteligência. O mundo tem necessidade de exemplos e não apenas de retórica e enfeites literários que nunca saem do papel e da boca, e que nunca se confirmam por atos.

A melhor propaganda que um esoterista consciente pode fazer da sua Escola, é viver no dia a dia junto ao seu próximo, os ensinos recebidos dos Evangelhos e da Ordem Rosacruz. Para tanto, não é necessário estar falando sobre eles, causando muitas vezes um certo constrangimento ao próximo! Será sempre a ação reta, positiva e justa que dará ao discípulo a autoridade que será sentida por todos e que jamais poderá ser contestada.

A essa forma correta de agir foi dado o nome de “Espírito de Caridade”, representante do próprio “Espírito de Deus” agindo através do homem; é “Amor” traduzido por atos!


How one adulterates a teaching

How one adulterates a teaching

Ennio Dinucci….
President Brother and instructor (1990-2014)

"In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry". Second Epistle from Paul to Timothy Chapter 4

The Esoterics magazine named "ROSACRUZ", which is quarterly issued by the Rosicrucian Fellowship in Portugal, an entity presumably affiliated to "THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP" located in the city of Oceanside, California, U.S.A., published in its April, May and June, 1995 issue, a curious article written by a lady whose name can often be found in the instructions issued by the U.S. Worldwide Headquarters and affiliated centers. Sections of that article, which have been transcribed here on basis of the mentioned Portuguese publication, are part of a lesson whose title is very suggestive: "The Immaculate Conception. Initiation through the Air". In addition to that article, we have read a number of others published by that entity, as well as a few others sent as "Monthly Philosophy Lessons", to the students of the "former Esoteric School in Oceanside", which after Mr. Max Heindel has passed away to the Spiritual Worlds, was renamed to be called the "NON-SECTARIAN CHURCH". The author of the referred to article published by the Portuguese affiliated center is Mrs. Corinne Heline (already deceased), founder and director of "The New Age Press Inc.", whose works have not only been adopted by the "U.S. Rosicrucian Fellowship", but placed at the same level as Mr. Max Heindel's teachings. Such unfortunate attitude taken by "The Rosicrucian Fellowship" clearly reflects on which basis Rosicrucian teachings have been construed, and disclosed to the students all over the world. There is no question for us to say - as articles talk for themselves - that the U.S. Headquarters and its affiliated centers still follow the same negative and ecclesiastic line as those who took over the control of the organization in 1919, at which time its direction, like the direction of the churches, celebrated weddings, baptisms and funerary services. For the past years the "Ecclesiastic Council" (title adopted at that time) changed its name into "Esoteric Council"; however, everything points to the fact that "The Rosicrucian Fellowship" is still the same "non-sectarian small church" tuned in with Mrs. Corinne Heline's ideas, its most prominent and "wisest" spokeswomen whose "Marian ideal" has - with no discernment - been grafted to the teachings left by Mr. Max Heindel.

We do not have as our intent to pass on the idea we know all the truth, or that our conclusions are the only ones to be taken into consideration, far from it. Our personal points of view quit existing in face of the excellence of the Rosicrucian teachings. We don't adore, neither are we enchanted by our own ideas, and we try to keep us mentally receptive and open to every and any "superior idea", no matter whoever it may come from. However, we don't agree with whoever's unfounded and whimsical opinions, and much less with the dreams and philosophical divagations of Mrs. Corinne Heline, and the Worldwide Headquarters in Oceanside, which when inheriting the physical assets of the organization, did not inherit the wisdom of the teachings bequeathed by its superb founder.

Numa passagem evangélica, os fariseus pedem a Cristo que repreenda os seus discípulos, provavelmente por não concordarem com eles, e o Mestre lhes respondeu: “Asseguro-vos que, se eles se calarem, as próprias pedras clamarão” (Lucas 19:40). Consideramo-nos os mais humildes discípulos de Cristo, porém, com o entendimento suficiente para não compactuar com interpretações absurdas que estão sendo dadas à Filosofia Rosacruciana. Com o intuito de que a Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo (FRSP) não venha a ser acusada de conivência com a direção clerical e feminina que se apossou da sede central americana, ela vem a público pela primeira vez através da Internet, para denunciar aos verdadeiros estudantes, de todo o mundo, o adultério filosófico que está sendo praticado com os ensinos da Sabedoria Ocidental, da Ordem Rosacruz. A autoridade para fazer esta denúncia, tem como fundamento a própria Filosofia Rosacruciana, que há bastante tempo está sendo desfigurada e adulterada, lamentavelmente, por pessoas que não sabem o que estão fazendo. Queremos que fique bem claro que a FRSP é uma congregação dos “Filhos do Fogo”, portanto, não é uma igrejinha disfarçada. Ela não se apóia nos caprichos filosóficos de quem quer que seja, uma vez que seus ensinos são patrimônio sagrado da Ordem Rosacruz e dos mestres mais conceituados de todos os tempos, cuja autoridade ficou comprovada pela experiência pessoal e coletiva. A grande missão da FRSP é divulgar os ensinos da Ordem Rosacruz em toda a sua pureza, guardando-se de acrescentar às suas bases o produto infeliz da pretensão pessoal e da fantasia espiritualista. Ao ler as afirmações que serão transcritas adiante, o estudante consciente e independente, não terá dificuldade em perceber que, não é mais o ideal positivo, maçônico e masculino, que norteia os destinos da “Fraternidade Rosacruz de Oceanside”, mas as aspirações eclesiásticas dos “Filhos da Água”, enaltecendo a figura feminina da Virgem Maria, como um “ideal que todos os estudantes sérios devem ter em conta”.

It is not our intention to overshadow the Virgin Mary, as we have for her, the mother of the man Jesus, the highest respect and consideration, as it was through her and also through her husband Joseph - someone the author forgets to mention - both elevated initiate people, the most perfect physical vehicle one has ever been aware of has been organized; a vehicle which later on, together with the Vital Body, was delivered by Jesus to Christ's Spirit in the Baptism in the Jordan. However, we do not agree with the deification of her person, for she has not been recommended by Christ as a master to whom we should be subject; we do not invoke her name because according to the Gospel, there is one single Name that can and should be invoked, i.e.: Christ-Jesus! It was the clerical fantasies and the feminine ideal supported by a Sons of Water based church with no positive direction, which rose her up to the category of "Mother of God", crowning her as the Heaven's Queen, and turning her into a parallel power, with pretensions of having a power stronger than that of the Christ!

It is unbelievable an organization, which calls itself as a continuer of Mr. Max Heindel's work, is able to idolize a human figure, contradicting all the principles of the Torah and the Gospel, completely forgetting the words of the author of the Cosmos Rosicrucian Concept: "We should accept no other direction, but that from the Christ."

In one of the monthly philosophy lessons (May-June, 93), Mt. Ecclesia presents this "wonderful" lesson:

"Therefore, if we are to follow his steps (Jesus' steps) we should understand his work, and also the work of a God's messenger who has been often forgotten: the blessed Virgin Mary, or as she is warm-heartedly known, A Açucena de Israel (Israel's most beautiful flower)". Later, it is stated that: "Mary and Jesus are two ideals all serious students should take into account."

As far as we could understand when studying the Cosmos Rosicrucian Concept, the big and sublime mission assigned to Joseph and Mary ends with the physical birth of their son Jesus. If after his birth, and consequently after he has been raised, both continued working in the physical world and in the spiritual plans, it is something we don't know, as neither the Gospel or the Rosicrucian Order provided any explanation about it. On the other hand, we have been informed by Mr. Max Heindel that Jesus, when delivering his physical and vital vehicles to the Christ's Spirit, started to work in the Spiritual worlds, particularly by means of those who have connections with the churches, and behave themselves almost exclusively by Faith. Schools, on the other hand, are Christian Rosenkreuz's expressions, The Venerable Master of the "Sons of Cain", or "Sons of Fire", in which Reason and Will, their most pronounced characteristics, prevail. Even though such two streams have as a common objective to lead men to the Christ, we see no higher reasons to introduce into the teachings prepared for the Sons of Fire, the feminine, negative and ecclesiastic ideals, once we belong to the positive, masculine and Masonic stream. If the methods of the church should be used in the Esoteric Schools, such schools would not be necessary.

The big trouble that the "Sons of Fire" always had to face, particularly in the beginning of their activities, when they could not as yet count on any more consolidated experience, was associated with the preservation of their integrity as a "School", so the School would not be invaded or pervaded by the astute and Pharisaic mentality of the "Sons of Water".

We fully commune with the ideas presented by Mr. Max Heindel in his work "Freemasonry and Catholicism": "Thus, our opposition (to the Water method) is not personal, but spiritual, and to be fought with the weapon of the Spirit: the Reason. We firmly believe it to be for the everlasting good of mankind that the Masons should win" (the Fire stream)." In view of such statement, we do not understand why the "non-sectarian Church" of Oceanside insists on asserting that Virgin Mary is God's messenger, and that the serious students should take her into account. What message from God would have she brought to the men, and where such messenger has been presented, as the Gospel says a little or nearly nothing about her? No portion of the teachings of the New Testament includes any mention she would have had any participation in, or given any opinion at all about the reserved teachings given by Christ to his Apostles. We are sure that if we could hear the personal opinion of Jesus' mother, she would be contrary to such fantasist and sentimentalist ideas used by the scribes of Oceanside. The term "Israel's most beautil flower" is very appropriate to be used in the Churches of the Sons of Seth, as expressions of the maternal feeling, but never in Schools which call themselves as continuers of "Hiram Abif's' work", whose ideal is represented by "Christian Rosenkreuz", Superb Founder of the Rosicrucian Order!

Coming back to Mrs. Corinne Heline, one can see between the lines of her writings, an excited feminism, rather very common to all "spiritualist masters" - particularly in the United States - dominated by religious prejudices, which do not allow them to understand the hidden reasons which led Christ and the Rosicrucian order, besides other schools, to organize streams or egrégoras (chain) directed by men. We will surely be the target of criticisms and called as chauvinists by the excited feminists from Oceanside, or other parts of the world. It doesn't matter, for we give this label no importance. We are fully aware we are neither men nor women, but Spirits incarnated either in a masculine or feminine body. We have a great admiration and respect for our sisters, recognizing how much we owe them who, with feeling and sensibility typical to them, have extraordinarily fed our collective spiritual stream. They have given a huge contribution to the success of our School, and like the Vestals knew how to keep the "Sanctuary's Sacred Fire" lit, our sisters know how to feed the flame of Enthusiasm and Love to warm up our hearts! All of them, with no exception, have understood the big role they play in the world next to men, particularly in our collectivity! However, experiences lived in the past, as well as current ones, of which we are aware, have proved that all esoteric movements commanded by the feminine element, with no exceptions, ended by being deviated from their original line. The intellectual fantasy, together with sentimentalist dreams causes them to slip into a maternal regime, which is not consistent with the disciplinary method taken by a legitimate School.

It was what happened to The Rosicrucian Fellowship, after Mr. Max Heindel passed away to the spiritual worlds in January, 1919, and with the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, succeeded by Annie Besant, when the biggest esoteric fantasy earlier in the 20th.century has been created. (Further details about this matter will be found in the work Awakening Years whose author is Mrs. Mary Lutyens, printed by Cultrix). At that time, the mentioned author was part to the Theosophical Society, and knew personally the young Jiddu Krishnamurti, who, according to Mr. C.W.Leadbeater and Mrs. Annie Besant's fantasies should become a new world's savior, just like Christ! That story was another deplorable episode, which confirms what spiritualist dreams can do, when an esoteric institution counts with no superior direction. It doesn't matter its members have a lot of culture, and have taken part in social and political movements, besides writing a number of works about occultism. Intellectual culture is not the same as Spiritual Understanding! We should further point out that many men having such mentality (aquatic) fit too much well to such movements, as despite of having become grown-men from a physical point of view, from a psychological standpoint they are still children who cannot dispose of maternal care!

Let's see a few sections of the article published on the magazine Rosacruz (from Portugal) written by the "outstanding author", Mrs. Corinne Heline. "At the day of Pentecost, the Virgin Mary and other disciples got to Christ's consciousness reign. Such reign is known by many designations. It is the Buddhist plan of Theosophy and Rosicrucian Life Spirit World". Such assertion does not correspond to reality. The second chapter of the Acts of the Apostles refers to the Holy Spirit coming, which is by no means the Life Spirit. There is a big difference between spiritual vibrations from the Abstract Mental World, where the Holy or Human Spirit is supported, and the very high vibrations from the Life Spirit World. We know on basis of Mr. Max Heindel's teachings, there are Nine Minor Initiations and Four Major Initiations. Other Schools show the same division. The Acts of the Apostles refer to the "Holy Spirit" coming to the disciples. As no power or faculty may come from outside but only from inside the man himself prepared for such an objective, that section must be understood as having an internal and deeper psychological meaning, i.e.: Becoming aware of the "Holy or Human Spirit" itself inside the human soul. It would be impossible to enter into the Abstract Mental World, unless the student would be supported on his own Human Spirit. It is the disciple's awareness that should raise him up to that plan, and not the plan come up to him. The sound heard and tongues of fire are symbols of an inner spiritual phenomenon. The word "Pentecost" (Pentekosté), deriving from the Greek word (Penta), refers to number five, which represents the fifth human principle of the Physical World: The Abstract Mind, over which the true "human" spiritual reality is set. The Day of Pentecost refers to the initiation in the Abstract Thought World (Third Heaven) and the Fifth Initiation, the same achieved by Saint Paul, as one can deduce from his teachings (II Epistle to Corinthians, Chapter 12, Versicle 2). The support of the Triune third aspect, whether macrocosmic whether microcosmic, is the Abstract Mental World.

The "big master" goes on: "We stated in a number of our works that Virgin Mary is the highest initiate who ever came to Earth in the feminine form, and such statement is now conveniently elucidated by means of her relationship with the Pentecost rite". What elucidation the "Acts of the Apostles" let to appear in such a regard, and who said to that lady that Virgin Mary was the highest initiate who ever came to Earth in a feminine form? Surely it was not Mr. Max Heindel in his works. He said no word about Mary being the highest Initiate the world has ever met coming in a feminine body. He only says she was a high initiate. He does not say either to which level she belonged. According to the Cosmo Rosicrucian Concept, he says the same about Joseph, and not even for this reason Joseph has been mentioned by the author, maybe because she does not feel for him the same admiration she felt for the Virgin, as the religious education she has probably received from the Roman church, exalts the figure of Mary, without giving any greater attention to her husband Joseph! Isn't it regrettable that fantastic dreams of the sons of water have been able to pervade into the higher teachings of the Sons of Fire? Here another assertive in which the author finds an outlet for his excited clerical fantasy, which finds no serious philosophical confirmation: "An old Aramaic legend makes reference to the fact that the divine child was, by the time of his introduction into the temple, baptized with the name of Jesus-Mary, what means the union of the masculine and feminine principles in a perfect balance, and Jesus has developed the androgynous (hermaphroditic) body, the body of the future humanity."

A stupendous assertion! In the Evangel by Luke, chapter 2:21, one finds a passage referring to the choice of the name given to the divine child: "On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise him, he was named Jesus, the name the Angel gave him before he had been conceived". We see from the foregoing that the Evangel makes no mention to the name "JESUS-MARY". Only the tale found by Mrs. Corinne Heline - God knows where - is that makes such a statement. It should also be noticed that Jesus has not been taken to the Temple to be baptized, but circumcised, according to the custom of the Jewish people. His baptism took place many years later, when Jesus was thirty. We absolutely do not agree with the gratuitous affirmation that "Mary and Jesus represent the union of the two principles - "masculine and feminine" - in a perfect balance". The author made a mistake, as the perfect balance can only be established by means of the number three (3). Pythagoras said: "Likewise there are three divine notions and three intelligible regions, there is also a triple Word, because the hierarchical order is always manifested by three" (3). In view of the foregoing, the perfect balance could only be established on basis of the three evangelic characters, JOSEPH, MARY and JESUS, and it is in such a regard they should be considered because they have a huge, fundamental importance!

JOSEPH symbolizes the positive and masculine faculty of the WILL.

MARY symbolizes the negative and feminine faculty of the IMAGINATION.

JESUS is the symbol of the fruit or son that should emerge from the higher union of these two principles, as the Imagination without the Will is sterile, and could never bring forth to a higher creation! Can a woman become pregnant without a man? The same is true at a psychological level and the analogy law is there to confirm that principle. Only Mrs. Corinne Heline, deemed by the coryphaeus of Oceanside, as one of the first Max Heindel's disciples, could make such absurd assertion. As it seems, our author forgot - or did not want to give due importance - to the symbol represented by Joseph, i.e., the Will, the very special faculty of every true Son of Fire, which is guided by the Reason directed by the Will. There are lots of other assertions, which unveil the defects of the psychological view of that Lady. Many other gratuitous statements will still be made, as the editor of the mentioned magazine (Rosacruz) promises to give continuance to the publications.

Nossa intenção não é polemizar nem atacar quem quer que seja, entretanto, somos do parecer que assumimos uma grande responsabilidade moral e espiritual, quando falamos ou escrevemos a respeito dos ensinos evangélicos e rosacrucianos que não são da nossa autoria. Estamos ceifando onde não semeamos como disse o nosso Salvador. A nossa obrigação é de não contribuir para encher o mundo com idéias próprias e fantasistas, que mais confundem do que esclarecem, mas sim difundir corretamente os ensinos superiores que nos foram legados com tanta generosidade. Vivemos na época da “Internet” e a FRSP, que até então tem limitado suas denúncias aos estudantes brasileiros, doravante, publica-las-á em português e inglês, para que boa parte do mundo tome conhecimento dos desmandos filosóficos protagonizados por qualquer instituição que se diga esotérica. Especialmente a THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP com sede em Oceanside nos Estados Unidos da América. É inadmissível que os ensinos da sublime Escola de Mistérios dos Rosacruzes sejam torcidos e desvirtuados ao sabor dos caprichos da moda e da mentalidade fantasista dos escribas e fariseus contemporâneos. Tudo parece indicar que a organização de Oceanside esqueceu que da Ex-Escola Esotérica fundada pelo Sr. Max Heindel procede a notável obra, Maçonaria e Catolicismo, a qual parece não ter sido bem compreendida, pois a preocupação em enaltecer a Virgem Maria ocupa um lugar de maior destaque. É nosso dever avivar a memória das suas diretoras com alguns trechos desse livro, pois o olvido dos seus princípios transformou a Escola dos Filhos do Fogo, numa igrejinha adúltera e irresponsável, onde os Filhos da Água pontificam.

Portions excerpted from the work of Mr. Max Heindel - FREEMASONRY AND CATHOLICISM.

"The author is not a Mason, and thus he is free to say what he knows, without fear of violating obligations; but he is a Mason at heart, and therefore frankly opposed to Catholicism." (Water Line)

"We firmly believe it to be for the everlasting good of mankind that the Masons should win." (Fire Line)

"The Churchman always emphasizes the necessity of faith, while Statesman emphasizes, and places his reliance on work. But when faith flowers into work we reach the highest of expression."

"Mankind can and should admire the feeling elevation and the oratory bright; but, while a Lincoln breaks the chains which locked a slaved race, or a Luther rebels in behalf of the oppressed spirits of the mankind, and secures them the religious freedom, the manifestation of such emancipators unveils a soul beauty, which is not found in those who elevate themselves to the clouds, but fear staining their hands in the mankind temple work."

"Nowadays, the temples of the "Sons of Seth", have at their doors the magic water and everyone who enters should assignalize with the lethal (mortal) liquid his forehead where the Spirit resides. His reason is drown in dogmas and traditions, and the feminine ideal is symbolized by the cult to the Virgin Mary."

"Faith is the major factor of his salvation, and the childish attitude and blind obedience is advised."

"Much different are the temples of "Cain's Sons", where the candidate enters "poor, naked and blind". It is asked him what he is looking for, and if he answers he is looking for LIGHT, the master's duty is to give him what he asks, making him into a "Free-mason", or Son of Light. The master has also the duty to teach him how to work, and for emulation the example of Hiran Abiff, Artifice Master, is introduced to him as the masculine ideal."

"The exoteric (exterior) Masonry , which is only the husks of the Mystic Order formed by the Sons of Cain, has in modern times attracted the masculine element - with its positively polarized vehicles - and educated them in industry and statecraft, thus controlling the material development of the world. On the other hand, the Sons of Seth, constituting themselves the Priestcraft have worked their spell over the positive vital bodies of the feminine element to dominate spiritual development. And whereas, the sons of Cain working through "Freemasonry", and kindred movements, have openly fought for the temporal power, the Sons of Seth (the Priestcraft) have fought as strenuously and perhaps more effectively by stealth to retain their hold upon the spiritual development of the feminine element.

To the casual onlooker it would seem as if there were no decided antagonism between these two movements; but though Freemasonry of today is but a shell of its true ancient mystic self, and though Catholicism has been terribly tarnished by the touch of time, the war between both is as keen as ever."

"In conclusion, it may be well to sum up the points which have been made in these articles on Freemasonry and Catholicism, it being understood that the term "Catholicism" as here used does not refer to the Roman Catholic Church alone, "Catholic" being taken in the sense of Universal, so that the term includes all movements inaugurated by the Sons of Seth, the Priestcraft."

"The Sons of Seth, on the other hand, became the churchmen, upholding the feminine ideal symbolized by the Virgin Mary, and ruling their people by the magic water placed at their temple doors.

Various attempts have been made to unite the two streams of humanity, and emancipate them from their progenitors, Jehovah and Samael. With this end in view, the symbolical Temple was built according to the instructions of Solomon, the Son of Seth. Hiran Abiff, the Son of Cain, had to cast "the Molten Sea"; but the main object was frustrated as we have seen, and the attempt at unification proved abortive."

"Religion has been terribly tarnished in the course of time, its pristine purity has long since vanished under the regime of creed, and it is no longer Catholic, that is to say, Universal. Sects and "isms" have branched out in one direction and another."

"Christian Rosenkreuz was given charge of the Sons of Cain, who seek the Light of knowledge at the sacred fires of the Mystic Shrine. As the creative energy implanted by their Divine ancestor Samael caused Cain to work and originate, so this same spiritual urge prompts his descendants to work out their own salvation through the Fire of tribulations, and fashion for themselves the Golden "Wedding Garment", which is the "Open Sesame" to the Invisible World. And though the cleansing blood of Jesus is an absolute necessity to millions of weaker brothers, there can scarcely be any question when we assert that the more human beings engage in Mystic Masonry to consciously build this Temple of Soul, the sooner we shall see the second advent of Christ, and the stronger will be the race He shall rule by the law of Love".

We believe that when reading these lines written by Mr. Max Heindel in his outstanding work "Freemasonry and Catholicism", nobody can admit he would have any inclination towards priestcraft movements, which characterize the Sons of Seth, or that the School he founded would follow ecclesiastic or feminine guidelines symbolized by the Virgin Mary. In one of his letters written to the students, inserted later on in the book named "Teachings of an Initiate", the Venerable Instructor says, referring to the destiny of the organization he had founded: "So far we could not help the rigid and firm organization conditions at the Headquarters, but the association with no restrictions should remain free so one can achieve a higher spiritual growth and longer life. However, it is sad to consider that, although these are our intentions, a day will come when the Rosicrucian Fellowship (in Oceanside) will have the same destiny as all other movements: It will be tied up by rules, and power usurpation will cause the fellowship to get crystallized and disintegrated. But it is some kind of consolation to know that from its remains something bigger and better will emerge, like the fellowship emerged from other structures which had their utility, and are now about to be dissolved".

A profecia aconteceu! A direção maçônica, masculina e positiva dos “Filhos do Fogo” foi usurpada pela direção clerical, feminina e negativa dos “Filhos da Água”. A organização material continua existindo na forma de uma discreta arquitetura pintada de branco, ladeada de jardins bem cuidados; boa alimentação vegetariana, acomodações para hóspedes, vendas de livros e de imagens da nossa senhora, além de uma imagem afeminada que, segundo os dirigentes de Oceanside, seria a de um auxiliar invisível ou do mestre do Sr. Max Heindel. Como também não poderia deixar de acontecer, são celebrados ofícios dominicais (serviço), que mais se assemelham aos rituais religiosos desenvolvidos pela igreja católica. É perfeitamente visível, ao menos para aqueles que tem “olhos para ver” que, “Monte Eclesia”, apesar do seu visual harmonioso não passa de um corpo morto, pois o Espírito que a animava no passado partiu com o seu Insigne Fundador. O que Este talvez não esperava é que a sua profecia se realizasse tão cedo. A Escola desapareceu dando lugar a mais uma filial dos Filhos de Seth ou da Água. Bem disse o saudoso fundador da FRSP, Sr. Lourival Camargo Pereira, em um de seus artigos: “Uma Escola pode se degenerar e se transformar numa igrejinha, mas jamais voltará a ser uma Escola”.

São Paulo, october, 1995. (revised: april, 2004)


Catholic Orthodoxy and Rosicrucian Esotericism

Catholic Orthodoxy and Rosicrucian Esotericism

Ennio Dinucci….

According to the teachings of Mr. Max Heindel’s1, human evolution progresses through distinct eras, with each era lasting approximately 2.100 years. These originate from an astronomical phenomenon known as the precession of the equinoxes. Further, he observes that the Aryan race is especially advanced and better prepared for Christianity; therefore, it is responsive to the astronomical influences of each era, which are reflected by three pairs of signs, namely Aries-Libra, Pisces-Virgo, and Aquarius-Leo.

The Aries-Libra era corresponds to the period from Moses to Christ; the Pisces-Virgo era relates to the last two thousand years of Catholicism; and the Aquarius-Leo era refers to the next two thousand years, whose influence will promote the reconciliation between various extremes or seemingly irreconcilable polarities, e.g., Reason (fire) and Feelings (water), State and Religion, men and women, theology, and science.

Under those circumstances, there will be a momentous change with reference to the general religious ideas and practices. According to the Rosicrucians, Esoteric Christianity will be the universal religion in the forthcoming era, rather than Orthodox Catholicism.

Catholicism has prevailed since its inception, particularly during the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods (15th and 16th centuries), imposing on its followers a blind and unscientific faith that undermines their freedom of expression and precludes them from questioning or appealing to reason. Over time, its power has slowly decreased, and while it still exerts a considerable influence on less independent mentalities, it is greatly weakened after the advent of modern science.

If we consider those events from a particular perspective, it is undeniable that there were grounds for the religious imposition that took place at that time. In those days, the general populace lacked the mental and psychological conditions to assimilate a deeper form of education, barring rare exceptions. On the other hand, this fact does not justify the intolerance and brutality employed by the fathers of religion.

Since then, the intellectual capacity of humanity has notably improved, and anyone who so wishes can now have access to a variety of metaphysical teachings from Ancient Esoteric Schools, which were once restricted to a few chosen.

In former days, these teachings, considered heretical by the emerging religion (Catholicism), were confiscated with the purpose of eliminating any idea related to the ancient and misunderstood esoteric wisdom.

The great Doctors of Gnosis (esoteric knowledge) were persecuted and slandered by the coryphaeus of religion, who called for torture and murder to prevent their teachings from being disseminated! Precious manuscripts left by the Schools of Egypt, Babylon, Greece, and other highly developed nations were relentlessly destroyed by odious fanaticism and ecclesiastical ignorance! The arson of Alexandria’s library was one of the great crimes committed against humanity by the unawareness of the supposed successors of Peter!

To preserve their teachings for future generations, the most renowned occultists concealed their manuscripts under various guises or buried them. The discovery of Gnostic texts in Nag Hammadi, Upper Egypt, exposes this sorrowful aspect of the past. These texts are believed to have been authored by Valentino, an Egyptian Gnostic who was known for his remarkable sensitivity and vast knowledge. The translation of some of them into Greek played a crucial role in ensuring their survival.

The destruction of those philosophical treasures (which did not inhibit the Church from appropriating many of its ideas) served an additional purpose. It sought to prevent humanity from engaging with ideas that foster progress, freedom, and the expansion of consciousness. Surely, the Catholic hierarchy had no interest in this, as the truth would emancipate their followers from clerical control and exploitation.

Appropriately, the Gospels prophesied: "Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge (in the past, culture was completely subordinate to the church): ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered" (Luke 11-52).

Nonetheless, as it is impossible to prevent the truth from coming to light, Esoteric teachings are now freely imparted, regardless of religious discontent. Anyone who shows the slightest interest in them can now benefit from comprehensive explanations about the mysteries of the Being and the universe without the risk of being held accountable by religious authorities.

To this day, the leaders of the Catholic Institution appear to be oblivious to the fact that their methods (not those of religion) are obsolete and discredited, no longer meeting the psychological needs of a knowledgeable humanity.

Although the institution remains a significant political force, imposing itself on the masses and governments as one of the wealthiest and most powerful corporations in the world, in the religious sense it is undergoing a process of decay and corruption that is rapidly eroding its former prestige and power.

The contemplation of past glories and the arrogance of their leaders compose this decaying scenario in which they insist on interpreting the Scriptures exclusively from a historical and biographical point of view. This posture has led the Catholic Church to raise Mary, a human figure, above the Divine Spirit of Christ by placing her on the altar as a deity to be worshipped. These factors account for the institution’s decline and represent a stumbling block to its cunning, hypocritical priesthood.

Limited by their dogmas and by that one-sided view of the doctrine, they continue to uphold their lamentable misconceptions while stating that Catholicism is the only legitimate method authorized by Christ that can lead man to eternal salvation, in which case anything not sanctioned by the church’s principles is condemned.

Yet that viewpoint is not exclusive to the Catholic Church. It is also prevalent among its Eastern counterpart and numerous Protestant sects, all of which have failed to progress beyond that immature and narrow approach to the Scriptures.

The positive contribution of Protestants amounts to the global dissemination of the Bible and the New Testament and their resistance against papal ambitions. Although Protestantism has had a significant influence on the industrial and political progress of certain Western nations, most notably Northern Europe and the United States of America, it is nothing more than a dissent from the Catholic religion. It is equally cold, illogical, and ineffective as a cult.

Predictably, protestants too assert that they alone have the authority to interpret the Scriptures. They praise themselves for being faithful followers of Christ’s doctrine, stating, much like the clergy, that salvation is only attainable within their church.

By way of comparison, if an elementary school stated that its teachings encompass all knowledge, and dismissed all other teachings as false or insincere, the most sensible individuals would undoubtedly reject this assertion as both absurd and arrogant. Regrettably, this is what theologians from both lines have consistently asserted.

However, this distorted idea should not be associated with religion, as religion was not founded by priests or religious ministers. It was established by the Guides of Evolution with the purpose of meeting the psychological needs of the underprepared masses. The dogmas hold a profound symbolism whose meanings have long been lost for those who claim to be messengers of God! "If you believe in God, stay away from priests and religious ministers” has proved a popular aphorism.

The notion that Jesus Christ personally established Roman Catholicism as the ultimate word in doctrine is a myth propagated by the institution’s founders. If scholars took the time to explore the essence of the Catholic creed in the light of Rosicrucian esotericism, they would readily perceive that it hints at a deeper, superior class of knowledge intended for a select group of qualified individuals, much like an elementary school student comes to assume the existence of a university education.

The Rosicrucian Order2, also referred to as the Western School of Mysteries, is a herald of the higher knowledge that will prevail in the approaching era (Leo-Aquarius), whose influence is already apparent. Hence, in 1909, the Order presented to the world an elevated philosophical synthesis with a simultaneous focus on the scientific aspect of the Gospels and the essence of authentic religion. In this context, it sets itself apart from theological and ecclesiastical opinions.

Considering the intellectual and scientific nature of Aquarius and the heart-centric nature of its opposing sign, Leo, which governs love and altruism, this august School has a dual purpose in view. First, it aims to address the fundamental questions that diligent intellects are expected to pose. Concurrently, it aims to instill in the earnest student a profound sense of awe and reverence for the Creator of the cosmos — an indispensable sentiment without which the knowledge of all mysteries would be futile. Its methods pertain to a new education system that requires sober examination, free from worldly prejudices or reliance on external authorities (especially ecclesiastical ones).

The new education system aims to awaken the two higher centers of perception, namely the Pituitary Body and Pineal Gland, located in the etheric brain and associated with the faculties of reasoning and feeling. These glands are governed by Uranus and Neptune, respectively. While physical in nature, each of them is pervaded by a specialized etheric base upon which the Frontal and Coronary Chakras are grounded. These chakras are governed by the sun and the moon and serve as primary support for the second and third aspects of the human Spirit: The Spirit of Life (Love-Wisdom) and the Human Spirit (Reason).

The study of Rosicrucianism can reveal an occult and mysterious dimension of the Bible that has been unfairly disregarded by scientific and ecclesiastical institutions. Upon thorough examination, even the most meticulous intellect will concede this fact, provided that theological or scientific prejudices are set aside.

Both science and clerical theology strive to explain the origins of man and the universe, but they do so using different approaches. Science relies solely on reason, detached from emotions, while clerical theology relies on feelings and faith, disconnected from reason.

The reliance on these one-sided, deficient methods has forced both institutions to uphold a collection of fragmentary ideas that cannot be regarded as definite or certain. In the realm of science, we observe a constant cycle of reformulating hypotheses, which often yields inconclusive or unreliable results. Orthodox theology, on the other hand, is founded on a set of valid principles. However, these principles are often misinterpreted by theologians, who lack Spiritual Understanding3 to fully grasp their essence.

By way of illustration, the Catholic religion teaches that the Savior’s sacrifice on the cross, through the shedding of his blood, has the power to save souls from hell's eternal fire and grant them entry into heaven, so long as the adherent believes in this dogma and obeys without questioning the instruction of his leaders.

While this religious premise holds a deep spiritual significance when viewed through the lens of Occult Science, it may not be readily embraced by individuals of an intellectual disposition. These individuals may struggle to place their trust in an emotional faith that discourages them from engaging in research and logical reasoning.

The same applies to individuals who possess a particular sensitivity or spiritual perception, i.e., they find it challenging to accept the cold and absurd statements made by materialistic science, which denies the existence of a divine intelligence.

Nonetheless, the existence of fragmentary perspectives implies a comprehensive one, which is provided by esotericism. Therefore, the fundamental essence of authentic religion is dogmatic, or rather, esoteric4. However, religious authorities fiercely reject this reality, despite their inability to provide a rational justification for their rejection.

The reluctance to embrace esoteric knowledge, which could bring life, worth, and rationality to religious doctrines, has compelled their leaders to uphold a faulty belief according to which religious mysteries must be unquestioningly accepted by their followers, who have no right to speculate on divine truths.

This theory is blatantly absurd as it challenges freedom of conscience. It is both bizarre and deceptive as it suggests that the leaders in question possess an understanding of these mysteries, even though their actions do not reflect that knowledge.

The empty assertion that man should not investigate the mysteries of God is a nonsensical fallacy, for in no authorized religious tradition has such a statement been made. On the contrary, the Spirit of Christ himself, who is the perfect incarnation of Love and Wisdom, has made it clear that the liberation of man is contingent upon the knowledge of truth: “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make ye free” (John: 8:32).

Based on his words, it can be inferred that the pursuit of truth is not only a possibility but a necessity. This fact contradicts the claims made by the clergy, who appear to disregard the significance of Christ’s words as expressions of timeless, indisputable principles. Naturally, for an investigation to possess any value, it must start from true premises. Within the spiritual realm, these premises must be assessed through the lens of Reason and Love combined, as these are both essential and complementary aspects of human spirituality.

At the judgement scene, Pontius Pilate posed the question to Christ, "What is truth?". Today’s Pilate, who grapples with the intellectual concerns of modern science, finds himself raising the same fundamental question.

According to the Divine Master, truth comes from heaven5. In other words, it is the abstract mental substance or essence that transcends form or matter and is impervious to the material senses. It is the spiritual cause that emanates from the Thinker and precedes the effect. It is the divine power that interpenetrates men, worlds, and all inexplicable events that cannot be accounted for by proud academic wisdom! It is the superior meaning that the haughty theologians have lost or perhaps never discovered in the letters of the Bible and the Gospels.

As we explore this topic, one may question whether it is really possible to fathom the underlying truths that pervade all teachings and living beings in this material universe where humans hold a prominent position. The response is affirmative. This is the sole purpose of the philosophical foundation of the Rosicrucian Order.

By departing from these fundamentals, theologians have exposed their lack of wisdom. This is particularly true for those within the Catholic tradition. Rather than nurturing a faith grounded in solid principles, they have chosen to separate esotericism from religion and intelligence from Love. This separation has rendered religion blind and bereft of rational guidance, leaving its followers susceptible to idolatry, superstition, and fanaticism.

The accuracy of this statement can be easily confirmed by observing the followers' irrational behavior in placing their faith in plaster, stone, or wood images. Or in the custom of revering peculiar relics of uncertain authenticity, such as nails, hair, bone fragments, and mummified bodies that are attributed to specific saints and displayed within certain churches in a rather macabre manner.

These demonstrations of idolatry are tokens of the ignorance and materialism of the fanatical masses. Nonetheless, clerics craftily stimulate these practices with an eye towards their profitable rewards. Their silence regarding their followers' fanaticism is itself a violation of biblical teachings, which strictly forbid the worship of images. By all indications, their concept of holiness is grotesque. While it is related to bodily parts and material possessions, it has no relation to the soul.

The absence of a higher perspective has caused rituals and sacraments to lose their spiritual significance and, of course, their effectiveness, because by repudiating the higher ideas that enlivened them and gave them meaning, officiants have found themselves limited to "certain religious forms that survived the lost ideas" (Eliphas Levi).

The history of Catholicism has disproven the notion that pontiffs are the sole authorities in possession of Heaven's Keys. In fact, the Church’s image has been continually tainted by the selfishness and material ambition displayed by many clerics. Overall, the past two thousand years have exposed a disheartening discrepancy between the teachings of the Savior and his Apostles and the reality that has unfolded.

The perversions and atrocities committed in the name of the Divine Initiator serve as evidence that they have never truly possessed the keys they claim to hold. The keys bestowed upon Peter by the Founder of Christianity are the ones that grant access to the Higher Initiations, whereas the keys used by the Pharisees of Rome are not suitable for achieving this objective. By logical deduction, achieving the “Kingdom of Eternal Truth" has no relation to personal vanity, princely honors, or the accumulation of earthly treasures.

Furthermore, theologians have found themselves in conflict with a fundamental law that undermines their entire doctrine: the concept of reincarnation. The refusal to accept this law of nature has led them to adopt erroneous beliefs that contradict the principles of logic and common sense, which are foundational to timeless higher education.

It is time for us to comprehend that the keys bestowed upon Peter by the Spirit of Christ symbolize formulas that provide access to one's Inner Temple. These keys have no connection to political or temporal power, nor do they have any association with opulent adornments such as luxurious paraments, golden crowns, or precious stones.

The clergy's pursuit of material wealth has led it to prioritize materialism and injustice. In the process, it has become oblivious to the importance of the traditional virtues6 in unraveling the mysteries of life. Its members have also forgotten that "material riches, in the hands of unjust men, can only open the doors of the tomb or hell", as Eliphas Levi categorically asserts.

The keys in question are a reference to two spiritual centers of man, Reason and Love, without which the knowledge of truth is unattainable. When these two abilities are developed, Love enlightens Reason. Simultaneously, Reason becomes a guide and a safeguard against deception. The harmonic development of these faculties implies a connection with the Spirit of Christ.

Yet to rely on the constant support of the Holy Spirit of Christ, it is essential to establish a Spiritual Current, also known as Church, or Egregora7. This current should be composed of men and women who are truly enlightened, i.e., united by the spirit of intelligence and charity8, for only through a current of this stature can the Great Hierophant (Christ) fulfill his promise: "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst." (Matthew 18:20).

We hope that our readers will come to understand the real significance of this high-natured, collective foundation mentioned by Christ. The Egregora is the living force that can keep the Christian Institution (School) united and protected from the insidious influences of “wickedness” (1 John, 5:19), the biblical term for the forces of repulsion that exist within man, such as selfishness, ambition, vanity, and falsehood.

Based on this fact, Christ proclaimed: “And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18). The name Peter means stone or rock, symbolizing a strong and resolute state of soul, both on an individual and collective level. Hence, the Church of Christ is composed of individuals who decidedly share the same ideal. Their souls combined serve as the underlying structure that safeguards the Church against those harmful tendencies, or Hades.

Says Eliphas Levi in his work, History of Magic: “The glory of Christianity is to have called all men to the truth, without distinction of peoples and castes, but not without distinction of intelligences and virtues." This statement contains profound wisdom, encouraging the student to reject ignorance, superstition, idolatry, passions, and vices in favor of the virtues and values that enable the awakening of an intelligent faith!

On a similar note, the Savior has instructed humankind to pray to God to send forth laborers for His Harvest, for they are few! (Luke, 10:2) This recommendation from Christ should be considered from two perspectives. The first is that God bestows on man the honor of being an active participant in His marvelous evolutionary plan, provided that he qualifies for the endeavor. The second stems from the first and is a question of pondering what kind of auxiliaries can be enlisted to provide such assistance.

Based on elementary logic, it is implausible to believe that such responsibility could be entrusted to individuals who are foolish, ignorant, and negligent, and whose judgment is clouded by a blind and irrational faith. Even more reasons exist to disbelieve the qualification of clerical politicians and clerical executives who have turned religion into a commercial enterprise. By situating God in the distant sky, they have separated God from humanity, and human consciousness from the Divine Spirit that sustains it.

By contrast, it is reasonable to expect that individuals working in this harvest should possess freedom and wisdom, as well as the ability to think logically and express love. The laborers are not individuals limited by a cold and unloving mentality, nor are they bound by fanaticism and irrational sentimentalism. Contrary to their assumptions, individuals of this type are the ones who are in the greatest need and, therefore, unable to offer assistance.

This is why, before aspiring to Enlightenment and Initiation, any competent candidate must first become aware of his current possibilities and the obstacles he will have to overcome. Investing wisely in existing capabilities is essential for enabling the development of new ones that may currently exist in the candidate's imagination but not in reality.

Apropos, the Gospel of John contains a relevant passage known as “The Healing of a Paralytic". This passage describes a multitude of individuals who are suffering from various illnesses and eagerly awaiting the arrival of a divine power that can heal them. Like others, this passage is symbolic as it alludes to psychological conditions rather than physical ones.

In the parable, the patients symbolize humanity. Among them, there are individuals who aspire to lead a more elevated and meaningful existence, which we refer to as Higher Life. What sets these individuals apart from others is their consciousness about their own limitations of soul (illnesses or obstacles to overcome).

These individuals devote their lives to applying the teachings they have received, under the direction of The Science of Light. Their goal is to surmount the inherent paralysis that prevents them from acting in the direction of their own Spirit. They do not squander their lives, for they have been warned that "now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2). Now is the opportune moment to actively engage in their evolution, using their reasoning and loving capacities to become capable contributors to the evolutionary plan.

Prior to them, others had labored in the field and reaped the harvest. Having attained mastery, they imparted teachings containing a magical formula suitable for healing the psychological afflictions of humankind, among which blindness, paralysis, and lameness are symbolic examples. Having applied these formulas to themselves in the past, these masters acquired the right and authority to assist humanity in the present. In pursuit of increasing the number of laborers in the field, they consistently summon authentic candidates to join the Egregore of Light.

The same passage (John, 5:2-3) alludes to a kind of tank or pool called tongue Bethesda and to a level of consciousness known as the five porches. At a later point (John 10:7), Christ mentions a certain mysterious door called the door of the sheep. We hope the enigma of these symbols will inspire the interested reader to open (Efetà) his ears and spiritual eyes in search for understanding!

Your servant and brother in Christ - Ennio Dinucci
São Paulo, March 2003.


Orientais e Ocidentais

Orientais e Ocidentais

Métodos Orientais e Ocidentais de Desenvolvimento

Max Heindel….

Com frequência, recebemos pedidos de auxílio de pessoas que, infelizmente, pertenceram a sociedades onde se converteram em presas de espíritos-controle, que agora as perseguem e obsedam tornando-lhes a vida uma carga insuportável. Da mesma maneira, recebemos pedidos de ajuda de pessoas que frequentaram grupos que ensinam exercícios de respiração hindu. A impaciência para penetrar nos mundos invisíveis leva muitas pessoas a praticar tais exercícios, cujo perigo desconhecem e depois de algum tempo, sentem-se destroçadas tanto física como espiritualmente. Então, vêm até nós à procura de alívio. Felizmente, pudemos prestar auxílio a todos que se dirigiram a nós, até mesmo aos que estavam à beira da loucura. É por essa razão que a literatura da fraternidade Rosacruz está repleta de advertências contra os exercícios respiratórios orientais, porque não são apropriados para os ocidentais. É com indizível tristeza que soubemos que um estudante está doente em consequência desses exercícios. Cremos que será conveniente tornar a explicar a diferença entre os métodos orientais e ocidentais, para que se compreenda muito bem porque é sensato não praticar tais exercícios.

Em primeiro lugar, é necessário saber que a evolução do espírito e a evolução da matéria caminham de mãos dadas. O espírito se desenvolve habitando veículos de matéria densa e trabalhando com os materiais que encontra no mundo. Deste modo o espírito progride e a matéria também se refina pelo fato do espírito trabalhar com ela. Os espíritos mais adiantados, naturalmente atraem para si matéria mais fina do que aqueles que se encontram atrás deles no caminho da evolução, e os átomos dos corpos de uma raça mais desenvolvida são mais sensíveis do que os dos povos primitivos.

Assim, os átomos das pessoas mais preparadas do ocidente respondem às ondas vibratórias que ainda não foram contatadas pelos que habitam em corpos orientais. Os exercícios respiratórios são usados para despertar os átomos adormecidos do aspirante oriental, e o vigor usado neste processo é necessário para elevar o tom de sua vibração. O índio americano ou o aborígene australiano podem empregar tais exercícios impunemente durante vários anos, mas o caso é completamente diferente quando uma pessoa, com um corpo altamente sensibilizado como o ocidental, segue esse tratamento. Os átomos de seu corpo já tinham sido sensibilizados pela sua evolução natural, e quando esta pessoa recebe o ímpeto extra dos exercícios respiratórios, os átomos se aceleram desordenadamente sendo muito difícil devolver-lhes o devido repouso.

Como elucidação, devo dizer que o autor tem experiência pessoal do assunto. Há anos, quando começou a marcha no caminho e estava imbuído da impaciência característica dos que ardentemente buscam o conhecimento, leu sobre os exercícios respiratórios publicados Swami Vivekamanda e começou a seguir os conselhos neles contidos. Ao fim de dois dias, seu corpo vital foi expulso do físico. Isto produziu uma sensação como o andar no ar, tornando impossível manter os pés sobre o terreno sólido e todo o corpo parecia vibrar num tom altíssimo. O bom senso veio em meu socorro. Parei com os exercícios, mas foram precisas duas semanas para sentir a sensação normal de andar com os pés em terra firme e para que cessassem as vibrações anormais.

Na parábola se diz que alguns foram rejeitados porque não tinham o Manto Nupcial. A menos que desenvolvamos o corpo-alma, qualquer outro intento para penetrar nos mundos invisíveis resultará em algum desastre. Não devemos acreditar ou depender de um instrutor que diga ter capacidade para rapidamente conduzir uma pessoa aos reinos invisíveis. Existe um só caminho – paciente persistência em fazer o bem.

NOTA: A Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo, atribui à Sra. H.P. Blavatsky, fundadora da Sociedade Teosófica e a outros autores, a introdução dos métodos orientais no Ocidente, os quais têm prejudicado a saúde física e psicológica de muitos aspirantes.


O Quarto Evangelho

O Quarto Evangelho

Quarto Evangelho (João) – Esclarecimentos

Ennio Dinucci….

Segundo os ensinos da Filosofia Rosacruciana, o Quarto Evangelho não é de autoria do apóstolo que leva seu nome. Esta idéia, sem dúvidas, suscitará sérias críticas da parte de alguns leitores que contestarão a veracidade desta informação, embora não possam apresentar qualquer prova contrária. O autor do presente artigo sabe quanto é difícil desfazer-se de uma idéia ou opinião cristalizada e imposta pelas autoridades religiosas durante séculos, que se encontra profundamente enraizada no inconsciente coletivo. Esclarecemos que essa informação não é nossa. Ela foi dada no início do século XX por um homem excepcional, iniciado e mensageiro da Ordem Rosacruz, o qual foi encarregado de apresentar ao mundo ocidental um resumo dos ensinos dessa irmandade, o Sr. Max Heindel. Apoiados na autoridade comprovada desse sábio não nos preocupamos com as possíveis críticas ou negativas teológicas, quer do catolicismo romano ou seitas evangélicas. Seus expoentes não têm como refutar essas informações, uma vez que seus pareceres incompletos e intelectuais, carecem da autoridade espiritual concedida aos iniciados. Somente estes, cujas capacidades lhes permitem ler nos anais eternos da “memória da natureza”, estão aptos para comprovar a veracidade de qualquer acontecimento, mesmo que se tenham passado milhares de anos.

Segundo informações do Sr. Max Heindel, confirmadas pessoalmente pela investigação direta nas regiões do pensamento concreto, os quatro Evangelhos foram escritos por quatro diferentes Escolas de iniciação que empregaram os nomes dos apóstolos. Embora essas Escolas tenham em vista um mesmo objetivo, ou seja, o desenvolvimento espiritual do homem, os quatro livros foram redigidos distintamente com a finalidade de atender as necessidades psicológicas dos diferentes tipos humanos, simbolizados pela misteriosa esfinge do ocultismo tradicional. Sendo assim, o Evangelho de Mateus, representado pelo signo de Aquárius, seria a fórmula mais indicada para o tipo nervoso ou intelectual, no qual o Éter Refletor predomina. Este éter é identificado na esfinge pela cabeça humana, símbolo da inteligência investigadora. O Evangelho de Marcos, representado pelo Signo de Léo, é indicado ao homem de temperamento sangüíneo, no qual o Éter Luminoso encontra maior facilidade de expressão. A esfinge o representa através das garras de leão. O Evangelho de Lucas é representado pelo Signo de Taurus, a fórmula adequada ao homem que tem predominância do Éter Químico, cujo temperamento bilioso é simbolizado pelos flancos de touro da esfinge. Já o Evangelho de João é representado por uma águia, expressão superior do Signo de Escorpião. É o método que mais se adapta ao tipo sentimental ou de temperamento linfático. Neste prevalece o Éter de Vida, sendo representado na esfinge pelas asas de águia.

Embora haja pontos em comum entre os quatro Evangelhos, o de João é inconfundível em sua apresentação. O próprio nome João, traduzido literalmente, indica uma das mais altas faculdades que o homem deverá desenvolver e expressar, o amor altruísta. Sua abertura enigmática (João 1:1-14), que difere completamente dos demais, tem confundindo a perspicácia dos teólogos e estudiosos que pretenderam decifrá-lo empregando nesse trabalho suas inadequadas faculdades intelectuais, impróprias para penetrar seu sentido espiritual oculto nas suas entrelinhas. Os versículos de um a catorze do primeiro capítulo, especialmente, deram margens a estranhas especulações por parte de alguns teólogos do início do cristianismo, levantando sérias dúvidas quanto a sua inclusão no Novo Testamento. A incompreensão das suas teses parece ter despertado neles certa desconfiança e aversão, pois sua linguagem incomum está interpenetrada pelo espírito gnóstico e kabalístico do início do cristianismo. Alguns estudiosos dignos de crédito o correlacionam com as filosofias Neo-Platônicas oriundas da Escola de Alexandria, fundada por Ammonio Sacas.

Os preconceitos infundados contra a magia e o esoterismo, sustentados por alguns papas e ministros religiosos, levaram-os a desprezar e denegrir a sagrada ciência, resultando disso a perda das chaves ocultas e científicas das escrituras, cujas passagens foram e são interpretadas como fatos históricos ou milagres absurdos, impossíveis de serem aceitos por mentalidades mais desenvolvidas e independentes. A cobiça do poder temporal e o brilho do ouro anuviaram o entendimento dos teólogos. Portanto, os mistérios da iniciação, revelados sutilmente pela Bíblia, pelo Quarto Evangelho e, especialmente pelo Apocalipse (erroneamente interpretado como uma futura catástrofe mundial) transformaram-se para eles em enigmas incompreensíveis e indecifráveis. Entretanto, estava previsto pelo plano evolutivo que seus ensinos deveriam chegar aos dias atuais e, apesar das resistências sacerdotais, o Quarto Evangelho foi incluído no Novo Testamento e seus mistérios estão sendo revelados pelos Rosacruzes, por meio da sua excelsa filosofia.

As três Escolas cristãs conhecidas sob o nome de Mateus, Marcos e Lucas, dão início aos seus ensinos a partir do nascimento de Jesus em Beth-Lehem da Judéia, porém, a Escola de João não dá maiores detalhes sobre esse acontecimento. Seu principal protagonista entra em cena com a idade de trinta anos, dirigindo-se a João Batista para solicitar o batismo. “No princípio era o verbo”, diz a Escola autora desta obra mágica, revelando sutilmente que o mesmo poder (idéias) empregado pelo criador dos mundos para trazê-los à existência concreta, deverá ser usado pelo homem, quando este, esclarecido pela sagrada ciência, resolver empregar a inteligência e o amor para erigir a própria espiritualidade.

Setembro de 2004.


To the sons of fire

To the sons of fire

São Paulo, April 2002.

Ennio Dinucci…

This text aims to refute certain groundless ideas presented on the Internet by an organization known as “Fraternidade Rosacruz Max Heindel,” based in Rio de Janeiro. The organization in question was founded by the late Mrs. Irene Gómes Ruggiero and is affiliated with The Rosicrucian Fellowship, an esoteric association established in 1912 in Oceanside (USA) by Mr. Max Heindel.

The responsibility for these lines rests with the president and instructor of "Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo (FRSP)", an Esoteric Christian School founded in 1929 that has remained loyal to the guidelines of Mr. Max Heindel throughout its existence. These guidelines are outlined in the writings of the esteemed and enlightened instructor, which include The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception and various other publications. To begin with, we want to make it clear to the general public who browses the internet and is drawn to the occult teachings that FRSP is not a church, nor does it possess ecclesiastical inclinations. Hence, we have no connection with The Rosicrucian Fellowship, whose methods are typical of clerical institutions. This has been the case since the death of its Venerable Founder in 1919, when the institution started to deviate from the principles he had established.

Our perspective, which is diametrically opposed to that of The Rosicrucian Fellowship and its affiliates, is consistent and long familiar to all our readers. However, it is not our intention to cause any friction or engage in useless discussions with their members. Nor is it our intent to attract new students and supporters to our School. Our target is to expose to those who are interested in occultism that the Rosicrucian teachings presented by Mr. Max Heindel have long lost their original purity due to the inclusion of unauthorized ideas to his theses, which has caused them to be grossly misconstrued.

The profusion of nonsensical content on the internet poses an obstacle for earnest students attempting to learn about the sound doctrine set forth by Mr. Max Heindel. The challenge lies in separating the “wheat from the chaff”, i.e., the authentic teachings, from the spurious notions created by individuals who lack the commitment to uphold the integrity of the original instructions. Within this group of people, we would like to single out the late Mrs. Corinne Heline, whose writings recurrently feature in Rosicrucian periodicals.

Within this context, we would like to dispel any potential misperceptions of radicalism and intolerance surrounding our decision to reject collaboration with the Rosicrucian Fellowship. The reasons are easily available to any impartial student who takes the time to examine the written works of Mr. Max Heindel, particularly the title "Freemasonry and Catholicism."

The content of the book clearly defines the position of its author concerning the teachings of traditional occultism. Right at the outset, he describes himself as a “Mason at heart”. Further, he declares to “firmly believe it to be for the everlasting good of mankind that the Masons (the Sons of Fire1) should win.” Therefore, his preference places him in a position that is “FRANKLY OPPOSED TO CATHOLICISM.” The preference implies a distinction between the two lineages under consideration, namely the sons of water and the sons of fire. The most obvious and widely recognized difference is the prominent role that the Virgin Mary holds in Catholicism (Water), in contrast to the foundational significance of Christ for Esotericism (Fire).

Through a careful examination of the recommended literature, any person with common sense and mental independence can ascertain the reasons for our disagreement with the clerical and watery approach adopted in Oceanside. The preeminent aspect is that “Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo" belongs to the "Hierarchy of Fire", with which its members are fully aligned, wherefore they stand as conscious and active guardians of its principles. On this account, after the passing of Mr. Max Heindel to the internal realms and the subsequent adulteration of his legacy, we have made the decision to conduct the work of instruction autonomously, detached from any other organization. Thus, we remain true to the authorized teachings, through which we offer support and clarification to those who earnestly approach our School.

The lamentable error of The Rosicrucian Fellowship has been to undervalue the Masonic, masculine, and positive ideal that is foundational to the “Sons of Fire”, replacing it with the negative2, feminine, sentimental, and spiritualistic dreams of the “Sons of Water”. This attitude has resulted in the institution’s decline, an unfortunate outcome that had been anticipated by Mr. Max Heindel before his demise. This shift in orientation represents a clear adulteration of philosophical principles. Nonetheless, despite the gravity of the situation, all centers affiliated with the North American Head Office have adopted a passive, accepting stance towards it. Based on their posture, it becomes evident that the members of these centers have never pursued in-depth study of the Rosicrucian teachings.

In 1919, following the Master's transition from the physical plane and consequent departure from The Rosicrucian Fellowship's leadership, the direction was assumed by his wife, Mrs. Augusta Foss Heindel, who continued to lead the organization for approximately thirty years. Under her direction, certain religious rituals inspired by the Catholic Church were incorporated into the esoteric services that Mr. Max Heindel had legitimately organized. The departure from established practices started soon after his passing, indicating a clear disregard for the proper methods of an authentic Esoteric School.

Predictably, the feminine and matriarchal direction of that lady, along with others of a similar mindset, has transformed the original “Esoteric School” into a “little church” where priestly ideals and methods are manifest. The Great Rosicrucian School, founded by the Initiated Brother Mr. Max Heindel, soon degenerated, becoming a mere religious institution, permeated by fiction and spiritualistic escapism to this day.

The absence of an authorized male leadership and the lack of understanding of its directors have led the institution to hold weddings, baptisms, and funeral services, among other religious ceremonies. These practices have also been embraced by some of the affiliated centers, including "Fraternidade Rosacruciana Max Heindel", mentioned earlier, whose founder has fully adhered to this negative approach, driven by a natural vocation for the female priesthood. In the light of these events, we pose the following questions: What is the relation between the Rosicrucian School and the ecclesiastical methods? Who granted authorization for Oceanside's organization to adopt them? Surely, it was not the Elder Brothers of the Rosicrucian Order!

Furthermore, it is noteworthy to observe the frequent inclusion of essays authored by Ms. Corine Heline within the advertising brochures disseminated by The Rosicrucian Fellowship and its associated centers. This holds particularly true for the organization known as "Fraternidade Rosacruz Max Heindel", which suggests a strong affinity between this organization and that author.

Although the mentioned writer is regarded in Oceanside as a prominent harbinger of the “New Age”, her ideas and beliefs have no impact on us whatever. In fact, the world has always been filled with gratuitous opinions that lack substantive value when examined through the lens of the “Sacred Science”. What captures our attention about this lady is not the quality of her writings, which undoubtedly display an exalted fantasy. Rather, it is the improper association of her name with Rosicrucian Philosophy by the leaders of the now-defunct school of Oceanside. This misguided connection has led uninformed students to mistakenly believe that her teachings are endorsed by the Rosicrucian Order3. It is our responsibility to caution newcomers.

Lamentably, the North American direction not only recommend her books but also regard them as essential reading, including them in the Rosicrucian bibliography. Her writings, which are highly esteemed by the followers of the American "little church," are indiscriminately presented alongside the teachings of the Rosicrucian Order. Thus, we believe that her claims have played a significant role on the philosophical decline of The Rosicrucian Fellowship. To distinguish the teachings of the Rosicrucian Order from the fabulous views of that writer, and to prevent the erroneous believe that her ideas have been endorsed by Mr. Max Heindel, "Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo" wishes to clarify that it neither supports nor aligns with the perspectives of Mrs. Corinne Heline. Despite the admiration she may garner from some, our school does not accept her authority. Instead, we regard her as a fellow student who has fallen victim to her own self-deception.

Regarding the title of "initiated Rosicrucian" bestowed on her by the Oceanside organization and Rio de Janeiro's, it can be concluded that their leaders possess a rather poor and narrow understanding of what it means to be an Initiate. Genuine Initiates are known for their cautious approach in sharing their teachings, ensuring that they do not generate spiritualistic illusions and fantasies in the minds of others. Mr. Max Heindel provided the most compelling evidence for this statement, demonstrating exceptional discretion when discussing Higher Education4.

Upon contrasting the “teachings” of that writer with Rosicrucian Philosophy, "Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo" feels morally obliged to challenge many of her philosophical claims. Her narratives can only be classified as spiritualistic fantasies strongly imbued with maternal and clerical sentimentality, notably in her portrayal of the Virgin Mary, who represents the highest spiritual ideal within the Roman Catholic Church.

Although that student has devoted herself to studying the Occult, her evasive nature and tendency to engage in mystical ramblings are indicative of an elevated feminism that derive from the religious and romantic ideas absorbed from the clergy of her church. In fact, rather than freeing herself from the obscurities of clerical dogmas, she has opted to embrace them with her passionate mysticism, naively blending them with Rosicrucian esotericism. As a result, she has made a series of unreasonable claims that neither the Gospels nor traditional occultism support. Only those who resonate with her mystical and dreamy qualities can espouse her so-called teachings.

It is unbelievable to see the high level of admiration she has received in the clerical environment of Oceanside, considering that Mr. Max Heindel never mentioned her name or made any references to her writings in his literary works. In contrast, she expressed profound gratitude towards him for inspiring her own body of work. Based on all available information, we are inclined to believe that He never read her articles. If He had indeed read them, it would have been impossible for Him to give his approval.

Noticeably, the coryphaei of Oceanside have been captivated by her philosophical ramblings, viewing her as the most distinguished disciple of Mr. Max Heindel, even though she is accountable for incorporating the “Catholic Ideal of Mary” into the teachings of a School that has no connection to the “Hierarchy of Water”.

The Great Instructor did not fail to advise his students. During one of his lectures, he exhorted: "We must not accept any other direction than that of Christ". Today marks eighty-three years since his departure from the physical world in January 1919. And yet there is a stark contrast between the ideal proposed by the Master and the fanciful notion of a negative “Mother-Mary ideal” that currently influences the path of the students from the former School of Fire.

Based on the current philosophical stance taken by Oceanside and its affiliated centers, it is evident that Christ is no longer considered the central guiding principle of the alleged esoteric school, although his name continues to be invoked. This serves the sole purpose of hiding the indefensible favoritism, much like the Catholic Church does when venerating Mary instead of Christ.

The Supreme Master and Initiator has been downgraded by the "Sons of Water" and replaced by a human figure named Mary, who never claimed any titles such as teacher, divine lady, queen of heaven, or God's mother. Rather, in one of the few occasions that she spoke, she said: “Do all that he (Christ) says” (John 2: 5). Like magic eye drops, her words should come as a remedy to the blindness of her dazzled worshipers.

In her absence, the Reputable Mother of the Man Jesus has been transformed into a goddess, an idol, and a fetish by the deformed mentality of the clergy and the forgers of philosophies. Moreover, she has been endowed with a power parallel to that of Christ, or perhaps greater, with the capacity to oversee angels5 and exercise authority over all aspects of earthly evolution. Oddly enough, these matters include “women’s liberation”. In view of these fabrications, we are convinced that there is a limit to anything in life, except to human fantasy! Let us ensure that our words are correctly understood. We hold the sublime mother of Jesus in the highest regard and consideration. She is an Initiate and serves as a symbol of the creative power of “Imagination” that is so fundamental in all esoteric traditions. Therefore, she deserves esteem and admiration for her own merits. However, this does not imply that anyone has the authority to replace Christ6 with her.

Without a doubt, Mr. Max Heindel's prophecy from the book "Teachings of an Initiate" has come true in its entirety. The School has unfortunately ceased to exist due to "usurpation of power." In other words, it has been replaced by a negative and irresponsible little church that lacks any potential for redemption or return to its former status as a School. Its members have demonstrated a lack of reason, logic, and common sense by unquestioningly accepting the twisted orientation that has been forced on them by an unauthorized leadership, which can only be defined as a regrettable act of philosophical adultery7.

We believe that "The Rosicrucian Fellowship" should enhance their extensive online publicity efforts by prominently featuring the prophecy made by its founder. This could be printed in large, attention-grabbing characters, ensuring that people all over the world become aware of its significant content. Time, the arbiter of value, swiftly demonstrated the fulfilment of the prophecy, surpassing all expectations. Indeed, the prediction made by the Enlightened Instructor was not related to events that would occur in the distant future. They refer to events that occurred shortly after his transition to the spiritual worlds.

We understand that revisiting past and present events can be unpleasant, especially when they involve the defunct American school and its satellite campuses scattered across the globe. Apropos, we are not puritans, but we are conscious of our shortcomings. We do not believe in perfection, but we do hold onto a fundamental virtue: “LOYALTY”. This virtue drives us to guard the ideals of Rosicrucianism, for they are the source of our understanding and all truth.

In view of the general neglect, "Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo" is taking the initiative to expose this philosophical fraud, just as it has consistently done on different occasions throughout its existence. Mr. Lourival Camargo Pereira, who founded the organization, diligently upheld the School's principles. The present instructor has been pursuing the same goal for the last twelve years. Consequently, he assumes full responsibility for the written content presented here. The primary weapons of the Spirit have always been consciousness, reason, logic, common sense, and, of course, courage to expose truth and reveal falsehoods. These powerful ingredients have always been associated with the “Sons of Fire”, who only acknowledge and respect the authority of the “LIGHT OF THE WORLD”, the beautiful Spirit of Christ.


Filosofia Rosacruciana

Filosofia Rosacruciana

Max Heindel…

Com o objetivo de eliminar uma concepção comum e errônea, desejamos esclarecer os estudantes que não somos Rosacruzes pelo fato de estudarmos seus ensinamentos, nem ainda nossa admissão no Templo nos dá o direito de adotar esse título. O autor, por exemplo, é unicamente um “irmão leigo”, um discípulo e, sob nenhuma circunstância chamaria a si mesmo de Rosacruz.

Sabemos muito bem que, quando um rapaz gradua-se numa escola primária, nem por isso está preparado para ensinar. Deve antes passar pelo ensino médio e faculdade e, ainda então, pode acontecer que não se sinta inclinado a ser professor. Do mesmo modo, na escola da vida, por um homem ter-se graduado na Escola de Mistérios Rosacruzes não é, ainda assim, um Rosacruz. Os graduados nas várias Escolas de Mistérios Menores passam às cinco Escolas de Mistérios Maiores. Nas quatro primeiras, passam pelas quatro Grandes Iniciações, e por último alcançam o Libertador, recebendo conhecimentos concernentes a outras evoluções, e onde se lhes dá a escolher entre ficar aqui para ajudar a seus irmãos, ou entrar em outra evolução como auxiliares. Os que escolhem ficar aqui como auxiliares recebem diversas tarefas, de acordo com seus gostos e inclinações naturais. Os Irmãos da Rosacruz estão entre esses Compassivos Seres, sendo um sacrilégio arrastar pela lama o nome “Rosacruz”, usando-o como título próprio, quando não somos mais do que estudantes de suas Sublimes Doutrinas.

Da obra “Conceito Rosacruz do Cosmos”


Our guidelines

Our guidelines

Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo (FRSP) is an Esoteric Christian School in the highest sense. It is neither a religious sect nor an invention or a philosophical montage of fashion. It is not a church. Its Directors and Councilors never receive any payment for services provided, nor any tuition fees for oral or written instructions that they generously and liberally offer their students. All of them, without exception, exercise their professions and live off them. Superior esotericism is unsuited to any kind of commerce; it is not a profession, so it does not exploit those who, in good faith, approach it.

FRSP has as cornerstone of its Teachings the Gospels of Jesus-Christ and the Rosicrucian Philosophy. Since its foundation in 1929, it has followed the safe guidance of the distinguished and enlightened Instructor Mr. Max Heindel, representative initiated and authorized by the Rosicrucian Order to present its Teachings.

However, FRSP is an independent and time-tested school. It is not and has never been affiliated or subordinated to any similar organization, not even the one that, at the beginning of the century, was founded by the Venerable Representative of the Order. FRSP remains faithful to the Spirit of the Teachings offered by the Honorable Brotherhood, having nothing to do with the interests, fantasies and interpretations of the organizations that claim to be its representative.


For those interested in the Occult

For those interested in the Occult

Ennio Dinucci….

"Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo” is a Christian Esoteric School that was established in 1929 and has been consistent with its foundational principles ever since. In this article, it addresses the readers to express its position on the current proliferation of “esoteric” teachings, related publications, and websites worldwide. These words are delivered by the Instructor.

We know that the content may not resonate with those who are charmed by the mediocre and sensationalist “occultism” of today. In fact, our message is likely to be rejected beforehand without any real consideration. Naturally, most people find it difficult to acknowledge and shift their mental focus. Regardless of how reasonable and logical the arguments may be, they struggle to concede to any proposition that contradicts their long-held false beliefs.

That said, there are other people who value intelligence, common sense, and their own intellectual independence. These people, who have the capacity to think critically and logically, are not willing to accept any form of esoteric babble, however enticing it may appear. These are the individuals we respectfully address with the purpose of providing clarification and fraternal assistance.

As a further introduction, we would like to clarify that the purpose of this website is neither advertise our organization nor engage in capricious, unfounded criticism. Instead, it delivers sincere admonitory lessons from a School that has consistently observed the values of soberness and integrity in its teachings. This School is probably the oldest esoteric organization in the State of São Paulo and in Brazil, second only to "Círculo Esotérico da Comunhão do Pensamento".

However, not all “esoteric” institutions live up to this title. On the contrary, it is common knowledge that numerous esoteric movements and popular religions have been transformed into lucrative enterprises. In the sphere of esotericism, the situation has reached an extreme, leading many people to accept odd and absurd views that are far removed from the spirits of truth and intelligence.

Unfortunately, most of what is currently presented as esotericism is just a vulgar and distasteful fabrication, with very few exceptions. It could not be different. “Sacred Science” is too serious a matter to be sensationalized, treated with superstition, or imparted in a fanatical manner as it has been done. True to its name, esotericism is a teaching whose nature is occult1. Even when it is made known to the public, it is intended and grasped for a few. Consequently, it bears no resemblance to the mystical forgery that prevails these days.

Naturally, this panorama of fraud and deception is embedded within a wider framework. In other words, it is clear to any perceptive, intelligent person that the world is going through a difficult phase in its evolution. There seems to be an absence of authority, morality, and dignity in the various domains of human life, whether it is religion, philosophy, society, politics, or domestic matters.

Surprisingly, no authorized voice has come forward to address this tragic situation and advocate for virtue and justice. It is disheartening to see how society's most cherished values are being neglected and ignored, as if people have grown apathetic and helpless in the face of reality. It appears that we are passively waiting for some external event that will put an end to this moral decay, although the timing and nature of this catalyst are unknown.

Within these circumstances, the absence of respect for the Sacred, selfishness, immorality, and greed have prompted numerous unscrupulous individuals to promote a form of esoteric “knowledge” that has been especially forged to benefit themselves, thereby existing just inside the crafty and distorted imaginations of its inventors.

The widespread dissemination of foolish, groundless ideas can be observed across diverse media outlets, including literature, online platforms, television, newspapers, and other widely circulated periodicals. This phenomenon has successfully convinced a naive and inexperienced audience, whose praise have accredited the authors with a position of experts and authorities in the field.

After hearing or reading their mystical blather, it seems as though they are the ones who created esotericism. Bizarre and illogical ideas are shamelessly presented as indisputable oracles. The business is lucrative, and the number of individuals profiting from “esoteric” practices is not small. Allegedly based on astrology, tarot, numerology, palmistry, runes, shells, and other related practices, they claim to predict the fortune of individuals, businesses, and nations.

Even certain doctors and psychologists have decided to profit from the “esoteric wave” by incorporating psychic therapies and regressions to “past lives” into their practices. In doing so, they treat these occurrences as simple, trivial proceedings over which they professedly have control. It is appalling to see how much credit they take for these illusions, especially when one is aware of the methods that they use to perform their wonders.

Noticeably, “Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo” has no relation with these tricksters, scammers, or their profit-driven enterprises. However, it bears a moral and spiritual responsibility to prevent those who, enticed by deceptive advertising, are being drawn into this widespread, meretricious occultism.

Eliphas Levi2, the renowned Kabbalist and Wizard from the 19th century, shared a perspective on the topic that remains valid to this day. According to the author, “There is a true and a false science, a divine magic and an infernal magic, in other words, one which is delusive and darksome; it is our task to reveal one and to unveil the other; to distinguish the Magician from the sorcerer and the Adept from the charlatan”.

Surely, there are numerous followers of "Simon Magus”, who are constantly seeking to reap financial rewards from the arcane teachings. However, this harsh reality should not be a reason for discouragement, as a forgery implies the existence of an original concept. Besides, there are precautions to be taken when delving into the realm of the occult.

The first necessary precaution is to choose an honest teaching that is focused on a logic, just, and clearly defined goal. Most importantly, this teaching should align with the method of spiritual development that is suited for western peoples, namely Christianity.

On a different note, it needs to be made clear that the true teachings of the Gospels are largely unknown, despite the numerous evangelical sects that claim to preach their doctrine, along with the various enhanced (read adulterated) versions of the Bible that have been produced from the original text and made available in multiple languages.

To ensure precision, we advocate for the use of the term "adulterated" instead of "revised and improved," as it better reflects the changes in the texts, which stem from a purely literal perspective of individuals who plainly ignore their spiritual meaning. By substituting certain terms with others that they considered to be more appropriate, they have distorted the internal or esoteric meaning that the four Evangelical Schools3 intended to impart.

The translators of the Bible and the Gospels would be praiseworthy if they focused on accurately translating the words without attempting to enhance the meaning of ideas that they do not understand. Despite their familiarity with the sentences and ability to mechanically recite them in any order, they remain entirely ignorant of the underlying concepts.

The worth of these books goes beyond mere historical or biographical facts. These hold minimal importance. Their essence is spiritual in nature and carries a much higher and transcendent message than that to which the Catholic and Protestant religions attribute it. Their passages possess an enigmatic quality that demands careful consideration, as they contain concealed meanings that elude those who approach them in a literal manner.

The historical events portrayed in their pages are merely the exterior or symbolic side of an interior or esoteric reality that most scholars, clergy, and evangelical ministers are completely unaware of. It is nearly impossible to penetrate their enigmas without the appropriate keys, which only authentic Esoteric Schools possess.

When it comes to this kind of knowledge, there is a psychological barrier that prevents man from "receiving" and understanding the truth. The barrier, or veil before the eyes, as Saint Paul referred to it, is made up of negative4 thoughts and feelings that are connected to worldly desires and attractions, particularly the attachment to one's own body and material possessions.

Nonetheless, once the Gospels’ teachings are internalized, man’s ephemeral illusions are dispelled. This understanding leads him to see material existence for what it truly is: a fleeting vision that vanishes like a dream. The journey from crib to tomb is no doubt short, and reflecting on this fact should prevent him from being caught off guard by death’s arrival.

However harsh and realistic this truth may be, man cannot escape it. The one option remaining for him is to comprehend his own circumstances, striving to master and adapt to the laws and principles that rule existence. Apropos, we recall the message of our Savior, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death" (John 8:51).

His words are a reminder that man is a Spirit, a Son of God, and his most urgent need is to become conscious of this fundamental reality. However, man’s evolution is still in its early stages and due to his complete identification with the world and submission to a selfish, materialistic persona, his conscience is weak and subjective.

Although he senses an evolutionary scheme that transcends his influence and a “serious knowledge” that can guide him through this process (evolution), he also finds himself irresistibly attracted to worldly pursuits. The absence of a rational basis allows these ordinary distractions to take precedence over his higher aspirations.

The primary difficulty of man of relative (physical) consciousness is that these higher teachings, which encapsulate the fundamental laws of evolution, do not align with his illusions and earthly aspirations. Consequently, they appear to surpass his capacity of understanding, presenting a harsh reality that he struggles to accept and implement in everyday life.

Yet, reality should not be ignored. Just like physical nourishment sustains the body, providing it with the necessary resources to navigate the challenges of material existence, so does the soul require a unique sort of sustenance in the form of elevated and refined ideas that pave the spiritual route. This nourishment aims to liberate the human mind from the deceptive perceptions generated by the five physical senses.

However, since the majority cannot understand and endure a higher level of instruction, they seek solace in the ideas and incomplete truths disseminated by religions and popular esotericism. These illusory sources provide them with a false spiritual foundation composed of metaphysical theories that are especially forged to accommodate their misconceptions, enabling them to nourish and maintain their worldly aspirations.

The problem is that this type of nourishment often has a detrimental impact on the well-being of man's soul. It may gradually poison his mind, leading him to conflate truth with lie. This is what we call a philosophical adultery5, an adverse situation that further isolates man from his spiritual reality.

Simultaneously, the Elder Brothers and Guides of humanity provide a superior form of sustenance known as "Higher Teachings", which, contrary to common perception, are not intended for everyone without distinction. Hierarchy is an indisputable, all-pervading aspect of existence that is clearly discernible. In occultism, it manifests itself as various levels of understanding.

Hence, the Higher Teachings are structured for individuals who have attained a particular level of evolution, characterized by their capacity to separate their REASON from the realm of senses, emotions, sectarian sympathies, and intellectual ambitions. This capacity is essential for a truth seeker, as truth lies beyond personal and worldly opinions and is impervious to them.

When reason is freed from the shackles of emotion, personal whims and opinions disappear, revealing a new reality that was previously unexplored. This awakening, which is described in the Gospels, prompts individuals to recognize the necessity of discarding a multitude of futile ideas, opinions, misconceptions, and prejudices that they once held in high regard.

Upon becoming conscious of a higher truth, they come to understand that those cherished ideas hold little importance. They realize that the truth is not dependent on their personal perspectives or scientific beliefs. They also come to acknowledge that the Earth continues to revolve in its orbit independently and unaffected by their speculations.

The significance of this awareness cannot be overstated, despite its apparent simplicity. Anyone with basic reasoning skills can perceive that what often fulfils people's immediate desires and interests may not necessarily be the most beneficial for them. The important implication is that there is a glaring disparity between the study of the soul and the pursuit of worldly pleasures and endeavors.

To express it differently, the knowledge of those who overvalue their senses and worldly matters does not align with the authentic knowledge of the soul. This is why fake schools can easily establish a connection with the ordinary man and effortlessly sway him in any desired direction through their common language and ideals.

It is interesting to note how thoughtful people are about the goal of traditional education, considering how neglectful they are about the objective of occult schools, which they appear to regard as unimportant. Take the example of an engineering school. Its goal is to educate and train future engineers. Further, we assume that the students enroll in the engineering course because they are aware of this purpose and committed to it.

However, nobody seems to ponder what the objective of an esoteric school is to which the student should commit. This way, most of the organizations that profess to be esoteric possess no spiritual Ideal in harmony with the Evolutionary Plan. In plain words, their teachings lack a clear objective that can be attained through their practice.

This is the first aspect that an Aspirant to a Higher Life should consider when given an instruction. One should question the worth of a teaching that only serves to gratify the mundane personality, having no spiritual purpose in view. If an institution cannot provide a clear explanation of its objectives and the means to achieve them, the aspirant should promptly abandon it, as he is facing a fraud.

However, while there exists a misguided and materialistic version of occultism driven by personal gain and recognition, there also exists a genuine and sound form of occultism known to a select few. This authentic occultism is focused on self-discovery and the pursuit of Spiritual Enlightenment while the former option is undemanding and appealing to the crowds. One is a shadow to the other, much like a counterfeit vainly attempts to capture the essence of an original masterpiece.

Consistent with this falsification trend, the internet provides a wide range of “spiritual” concepts and “spiritual” leaders to choose from. Some individuals go so far as to assert themselves as reincarnations of the Spirit of Christ, offering their unique plans of salvation to those who are gullible enough to accept them in exchange for a specified fee, of course!

Most of these teachings fail to withstand rigorous examination. Their lack of substance, credibility, and truthfulness is fully exposed to any practical investigator who looks beyond appearances. It is evident that they do not possess the profound Spiritual Understanding that exists beyond mere book knowledge and personal opinions.

These articles are rarely the product of the author's understanding but rather excerpts from various occult writings from both the past and present, among which there are some perilous ones. Supplemented by the intellectual fantasies of each “master”, these fragments of teachings are cunningly combined, altered, and presented to the public as their own expertise.

These fabricated teachings would be best described as patchworks, as they encompass a wide range of conflicting ideas. Not even the teachings of Mr. Max Heindel have escaped this fate. The falsifiers, eager to display their supposed knowledge, conveniently omit the sources from which they have extracted the teachings of Rosicrucian Philosophy.

This is what happens to those who succumb to the allure of greed, cunning, and misguided intellectuality. It is a consequence of being overwhelmed by conflicting ideas and excessive reading, particularly from Eastern occultism and spiritualist doctrines, which are openly condemned by the Bible, the Gospels, and the timeless esoteric traditions.

It is impressive how, after reading a dozen books and lacking any profound spiritual experience, some individuals feel entitled to teach others and share their insights on various mystical subjects like Druids, Gnostics, Essenes, Angels, Archangels, Goblins, and higher beings. Not even the mysterious figure of the Count of Saint-Germain was immune to the philosophical maneuvers of these charlatans.

Let us resume the engineering school example. If a student was asked what he expects to receive upon completion of his studies, his response would naturally be the attainment of an engineering degree. Regrettably, if the identical question was posed to students from the numerous “esoteric schools” of today, only a small number would be able to answer it with confidence, so disparate are their teachings and the philosophical confusion they generate.

From the early days of Christianity, Saint Paul instructed his disciples on the matter, saying: “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” (Col. 2:8-9)

At the same time, it is worth noting that most people are not searching for teachings based on Truth and Reason. Instead, they are in pursuit of philosophical speculations and mystical fantasies that cater to their worldly ambitions and desires. These may include impossible love affairs, remedies for health or financial troubles, fame and glory, job prospects, or even the fulfilment of an unspeakable yearning.

Because of that, true Esoteric Schools are rare to find and difficult to access. Their most recondite teachings are kept secret. There are no written records of them, and they can only be transmitted to proven disciples. On occasion, from mouth to ear.

The journey towards discovering one's Inner Truth is far from easy. The pathway is narrow, tight, and arduous to find. Only through merit can a person attain it. Therefore, this teaching stands apart from the romantic and dreamy “esotericism” of the present time, not to mention the mystical gibberish named the New Age movement that has made many millionaires at the expense of the naives who fall prey to it.

The reason is quite clear. While the idea of developing one's spiritual faculties may be appealing to many, only a small number of individuals are prepared to make sacrifices for their lofty aspirations and adhere to the scientific methods that provide legitimate access to the inner realms. Typically, people are more inclined to pay for their spiritual development (as if it could be bought) than to make an effort for it.

However, the teachings propagated by a Genuine Esoteric School serve a “Higher Purpose” that is beyond any commercial transaction. We may say without any hesitation that esotericism is not a commodity to be bought or sold. Therefore, only sincerity and honesty can guide man towards a “Higher Esoteric Institution”. These attributes are indispensable.

Yet, occasionally, an unqualified individual may accidentally encounter a legitimate School and, consequently, be exposed to its teachings. In this scenario, his discordant mental vibrations prevent him from staying within the sphere of influence of that School for an extended period of time, as his objectives and those of the School are divergent and counterproductive, thus unable to achieve harmony.

Apropos, there is a timeless aphorism that states, “Birds of a feather flock together”, which entails the correlated maxim: “Oil and water do not mix”. Both are highly applicable to esoteric institutions and their pupils.

A Higher Esoteric Institution instructs with irreproachable logic and has the utmost consideration for its students and the occult teachings. As a result, it refrains from ostentatious displays of its activities, which are carried out in the most discreet and respectful manner. A School of this nature is neither interested in material possessions nor in attracting a crowd. Therefore, it will never have many students and in no circumstances will it become a millionaire institution.

Based on these guiding principles, an Authentic School does not charge registration or tuition fees; it does it sell instructions, initiations, badges, medals, rosaries, candles, incense, or any other item; it does not have a special museum to house corpses6, nor does it promote travel packages to places considered “mystical” like Egypt, Machu Picchu, India, and Santiago de Compostela. It is fully aware that the only mystical place worth knowing is the interior of man himself.

An organization that is focused on that kind of activity — the exploitation of its members — can never be considered a Genuine School. Instead, it is nothing more than a commercial establishment for the exploitation of a particular business field, with nothing to offer in the realm of genuine spirituality except lies and deception.

The adoption of sensationalist, questionable, and unsubstantiated concepts, which contradict the moral and spiritual progress of man, suggests an institution run by charlatans, and therefore a blind instrument of deceit and insanity. Based on fraud and driven by financial gain, it only serves to adulterate the fundamental principles of Higher Education. From a strict perspective, it is nothing but an ambush or a spiritual pitfall.

Woefully, this is the reality of our days. Most “esoteric” organizations along with their so-called instructors are serving as blind and unmindful agents of the “Anti-Christ” (contrary to the truth). This also applies to certain religious movements, both Protestant and Catholic, which are transforming religious services into either nightlife entertainment or horror shows.

As a matter of conscience and moral obligation, we urge those who are interested in esotericism, especially the novices moved by good faith, to be cautious of the flowery messages craftily transmitted by the self-proclaimed masters and instructors of today. We particularly advise against those who use the Internet as a coverup, where they pose as mentors, initiates, and wisemen under intriguing and suggestive pseudonyms created to allure and trick the naive.

As the proverb goes, the devil makes great promises (lies) but delivers none. The message could not be any more obvious. What could possibly be expected from someone who has nothing of “his own” but bookish fantasies and illusions? What could someone whose soul is saturated with selfishness, vanity, and commercial interests offer of real value in the field of spirituality? Perchance, "Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles?", asked the Divine Mater (Matthew 7:16).

Considering these circumstances, we reiterate our advice to those interested in the Occult to exercise caution and remain vigilant when exploring any teaching that arouses their interest. The candidate must never neglect logic and common sense, otherwise he risks buying chaff for wheat.

Perhaps, when reading this text, many students will be appalled. They may say that it does not accurately reflect reality and that we are exaggerating it. They may contend that all esoteric routes are valid (“All roads lead to Rome”), and everyone is entitled to express their views on the subject. Many will perceive us as intolerant, judgmental, and aggressive. All these reactions and assertions are expected. Yet, they do not cause us any discomfort or shake our convictions.

The Rosicrucian philosophy, which we study and transmit, is not a creation of ours but rather an inheritance from the venerable Rosicrucian Order, also known as the Western School of Minor Mysteries, on which we rely to expose all this esoteric sham that attempts to control people’s minds. Thanks to its teachings, we have learned to use logic and discernment instead of accepting any nonsense that presents itself with the title of esotericism.

We also want to clarify that "Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo" is not affiliated with or subordinated to any organization. Especially not to “The Rosicrucian Fellowship,” based in Oceanside, USA, as this institution has significantly strayed from the original teachings of Mr. Max Heindel by incorporating the fantasies and philosophical dreams of Mrs. Corinne Heline, the founder and director of the “New Age” movement among that community.

It is equally important to clarify that the honorable Rosicrucian Order7 has no connection with the organization known worldwide by the name AMORC (abbreviation for “Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosae Crucis") that claims to be esoteric. Although its founders have appropriated this name and registered it as a trademark of their “esoteric” company, this does not confer any spiritual nature upon it, just like a label of a renowned wine attached to a bottle of vinegar does not transform it into wine. Laypeople may be tricked, but not experts.

Furthermore, the Rosicrucian Order is inherently Christian. As such, it has no relation to any customs or religious practices of ancient Egypt, regardless of any misconceptions generated by “AMORC” or similar organizations. Appropriately, we indicate the webpage where the true story of “AMORC” and its founder, Mr. Harvey Spencer Lewis, was formerly exposed. This is it: Although the page has been removed from the internet, we have saved its content and are open to sharing it with whoever has an interest in learning about it.

One might inquire the source of our authority in this matter. Well, for 71 years, "Fraternidade Rosacruciana São Paulo" has faithfully and unwavering upheld its commitment to the teachings received from the Rosicrucians through the instructions imparted by Mr. Max Heindel. Thus, it holds a mature perspective, having seen and experienced much in this domain. Our School is not a product of the pseudo-esoteric trend that has swept the world in recent years. It is well-established, having witnessed the birth of this esoteric sham of today.

We know that in this field, reality is not always welcome. Yet, our words should not be received with indignation, unlike the reality they expose. Did this author, by any chance, write some absurdity or make any statement that does not correspond to the truth of the facts? Did he deviate from the principles of authentic Esoteric Christianity, thereby disregarding Reason and Logic? Did not Christ say that "(...) if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out"? (Luke 19:40)

Contrary to the popular belief according to which “all roads lead to Rome”, we do not endorse the idea that all “spiritual” paths are beneficial, as some are clearly not. We also diverge from a misconception that surrounds the idea of freedom of expression. The mistake is to advocate that anybody is entitled to speak and write about any existing subject, even if they have not acquired the authority and the knowledge on which to base their conclusions.

Speculators ought to realize that there are genuine organizations and students who do not submit to any absurdity that is presented with the name of philosophy, however glamorous it may sound. The self-proclaimed mentors of modern spirituality must eventually recognize that, despite appearances to the contrary, there are many individuals who can think independently and therefore do not acquiesce to their “esoteric” nonsense, presented with an air of wisdom.

Just like some roads do not lead to Rome, not all religious and philosophical systems lead to God. In fact, some of them can lead to mental illness. While this is true of numerous paths, one of them can guide man towards his spiritual reality, which is the one laid out by Christ. According to his own words, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me" (John 14:6).

Words, whether written or spoken, carry powerful suggestions that can produce a variety of unwanted effects. For instance, they can induce hypnotic influences that exert control over the will and psyche of the receiver. This is especially applicable to people who are overly sensitive and credulous. Words convey IDEAS, and these can be as true and just as they can be false, deceiving, unjust, and perilous. Good or bad, they always have an influence.

Because of this, numerous students experience detrimental impacts on their mental and psychological faculties without suspecting the cause. These effects arise from the adoption of distorted spiritual concepts and the execution of unsuitable exercises recommended by ignorant, irresponsible authors and pseudo-schools whose “teachings” only create confusion and disorientation.

Therefore, before embracing any “spiritual” doctrine, it is crucial for the candidate to engage in serious and systematic study, along with deep meditation (reasoning) on the subject. Blind adherence to an instruction may lead to erroneous conclusions, trapping the individual in a complex mental labyrinth from which it may be difficult to escape. The situation becomes more problematic when it involves the implementation of certain practices of harmful consequences.

However, a diligent student has the opportunity to find “Ariadne's Thread”8, recognize its value, and seize it, thereby avoiding being trapped. The thread is a symbol of an Authorized Teaching or Truth that serves as a guiding light on the spiritual path and without which self-knowledge and success are virtually unattainable. Hence, in this domain, there is no better advice than that offered by Saint Paul9: "Examine everything and choose what is best".

Furthermore, there is a noteworthy aspect related to the popularity of esoteric books. In this specific field, public acclaim is an indication of a lack of substance and an abundance of sensationalism. The ideas put forth by a bestseller writer generally align with the materialistic and relative perspectives of sensory man. In addition, the language employed is one that pleases the readers’ personalities, otherwise the aimed success would be out of reach.

The success of an esoteric book hinges on its ability to nourish readers’ dreams and fantasies about spirituality. Serious authors who boldly expose the naked truth remain unnoticed by a public who crave illusions. This is why authorized or initiated writers do not gain popularity. Besides, this is not their aim. They know in advance that their teachings are destined to attract a small number of readers as "many are called, but few are chosen” (Mathew 22:14).

An instance that exemplifies what we have been discussing is the global acclaim attained by Mr. Paulo Coelho, whose novels have amassed a substantial and dedicated readership. His success is indisputable. Unfortunately, not only does it offer compelling evidence for our theses, but it also demonstrates the existence of foolish and naive individuals in every country, including those classified as first world.

The Rosicrucian philosophy outlined in the book “Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception” is the soundest and most comprehensive esoteric presentation ever written. It is a summary of the teachings of the Rosicrucian Order that was publicly presented in the early 20th century (1909) through the writing of Mr. Max Heindel, the Initiated and authorized Messenger of that School.

The study of its bases should be enough to convince any objective investigator of the authority and sobriety of its principles. Therefore, we recommend that those interested in the Occult thoroughly examine these teachings and carefully compare them with others before dismissing them. They are a valuable source of wisdom for those who are earnestly and consciously dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge.

The Order or School under consideration does not make any grand promises or indulge in fantasies of greatness and spiritual power. The teachings emphasize the importance of students dedicating themselves to studying and improving their character in order to shape their own destiny and attain Spiritual Understanding or Enlightenment.

Moreover, the teachings aim to reconcile science and genuine spirituality, rationality and belief, revealing that the Bible, the Gospels, and even the most cryptic aspects of ancient esoteric traditions hold cogent truths that may have appeared unfathomable. In addition, they propose a transformation of mentality, leading to the genesis of a new individual: an authentic Christian, someone who loves God (Spirit) above all things and his neighbor like himself.

The supreme value of Rosicrucian philosophy lies in its capacity to permanently free the student from deceptive spiritual beliefs and fanciful ideas. Rather than relying on others, he starts to rely on himself, becoming an independent being, able to stand on his own under any circumstance. This marks the beginning of a profound journey, whose ultimate goal is to attain consciousness of his own Spirit, the divine illumination residing within himself.

The Rosicrucian School has two primary missions that it expects its students to fulfill. Firstly, students are expected to cultivate self-knowledge in order to facilitate the development of a “New Man” or “New Mentality”. Secondly, students are motivated to work diligently towards the primary objective of attaining the 'Wedding Garment' or 'Spiritual Body' alluded to in the "wedding parable" (Matthew 22:1-14).

This garment is an invisible certificate of achievement and merit. It is a product originated by the efforts of those who have risen above worldly illusions. It is invisible in the sense that it cannot be perceived in the physical world, and it does not align with the concept of recognition conferred by mundane institutions for material accomplishments. It is neither conferred by someone else nor is it material. Instead, it is a natural result of the student’s efforts that grants access to the inner worlds10.

However, for the “New Man” to emerge, a new form of Education must be implemented. It is essential to implant the candidate's mind with Higher, Just, and True principles that can eliminate the illusions that arise from vanity and sensory perceptions, including those provided by the intellect’s false light. These have misguided humanity throughout its history.

A re-education program is precisely what a legitimate Esoteric School proposes. However, students should not confuse re-education with mindless, involuntary conditioning imposed on them without their consent. Besides, this new education is not influenced by personal, egoistic interests, nor is it swayed by popular opinions or the sages of this world, as these are “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim. 3:7).

The Higher Schools of Initiation are channels for the expression of the Inner or Invisible Circle (Internal Worlds). This circle is comprised of extraordinary individuals with mental and spiritual capacities that far exceed those of the average man. Their teachings and specialized methods are shared with the world at opportune moments, in accordance with the spiritual and psychological needs of the different peoples to whom they are destined.

The authentic Instructors who carry out their activities in the physical realm, or Visible External Circle, are extremely cautious in disseminating these teachings to ensure their essence and purity remain untainted. Their task is to present them without adulteration, ensuring they are not misinterpreted or deviated from their legitimate purposes. Apropos, every authorized instructor is fully aware of the responsibility he assumes under the higher laws:

“I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed no labour: other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours” (John 4:38).

The teachings from the "Elder Brothers" (Internal Circle) are identified by their logical and profound nature. Their origin, magnitude and intrinsic logic eliminate any space for philosophical ramblings or intellectual fantasies, unlike the misguided esotericism that pervades our current era.

Individuals with an interest in Esoteric Science should indelibly imprint on their minds that anything of value comes at a cost, although in the spiritual realm it is not a monetary one, evidently. Therefore, to acquire greater capacities, individuals must diligently and consistently apply a mysterious formula that lies purposefully occult within the immortal and magical pages of Christ’s Gospels, which the study of Rosicrucian philosophy helps to uncover.

However, greater capacities come with greater responsibilities and sacrifices. In other words, the spiritually fulfilled man, who follows the example of Christ, lives to serve others rather than being served. As his understanding grows, he abandons the desire for achievement without putting in the necessary work, as well as the aspiration to teach subjects he lacks knowledge and practical experience in.

In due course, his commitment to learning and self-reflection will prompt him to discern that to attain the Eternal Life promised by Christ he must detach himself from the illusory self-perception he has constructed over time. By then, he will have understood that the Rosicrucian School has no other objectives in view, except that of honoring his true nature, as a man and as a Spirit.

It will become clear that the School's sole purpose is to shape him into a conscious agent of the Father and his evolutionary plan. With this intention, it instructs and enlightens individuals about the essential values they must obtain in order to acquire the Special Garment11. This garment bestows the power to transcend death and enter the "New Galilee" (Vital Plane), where one can meet the Supreme Master.

“And go quickly, and tell his disciples (of all times) that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: Io, I have told you” (Mt. 28:7).

This higher plan of existence announced by Christ is restricted to those who possess "The Wedding Garment". It is where the Rosicrucian Order and the Higher Schools of Iniciation12 are established. Apropos, Mr. Max Heindel asserts that the "Garment" can only be woven by virtue of Love and Self-Sacrifice in conjunction with noble and disinterested service to others, as it confers Conscious Immortality upon its possessor.

Your servant and brother in Christ - Ennio Dinucci
